Performance Measure
Measure Name
Ridership on transit systems in Virginia.
Measure Last Modified
Aug 08 2022 04:21
Measure Last Published
Jan 16 2024 12:59
Measure Status
Data Source and Calculation

Transit ridership data is collected annually from public transportation operators by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). The objective is to increase passenger trips by 2% per year. However, on a long-term horizon it is difficult to increase ridership during an economic recession so a 2% increase may not always be feasible.

Associated Service Areas
SA CodeSA Name
60901Public Transportation Programs
Measure ID50560901.001.001
Measure ClassAgency Key
Measure TypeOutcome
Year TypeState FY
Preferred TrendIncrease
Statistical Unit
Baseline and Targets
Target NameDateResultNote
Short Target 2023
Long Target 2024
Measure Results
YearResultExplanatory Note
2011191,853,250.00Previous results were reported as trips per person; however, the measure data point requested was a total ridership figure. Thus, FY2011 measures have been reported in the original method preferred.
2015203,181,645.00Ridership in the Washington metro area fell in FY 2015 due to fare increases, service cuts, and track work on the weekends. Although passenger trips have increased on most transit systems, the decrease in ridership in the metro area caused a slight decrease in overall ridership as compared to FY 2014.
2016191,504,921.00This reduction is mainly attributed to the fall in gas prices.
2018173,403,868.00FY18 saw a decrease of 1.9 percent loss compared to the prior year.
2020115,571,432.00Due to COVID-19 pandemic, DRPT is reporting ridership from July 1, 2019, through February 29, 2020.
2021Ridership has significantly been impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Ridership reached a nadir in the prior FY20 in April 2020. It grew through October 2020, and it saw a usual decrease in the winter months of 2020 and early 2021. It then rebounded and grew through the end of the Fiscal Year. June 2021 was the best month for ridership since the beginning of the pandemic.
- Run Date: 04/26/2024 05:16:13