Performance Measure
Measure Name
Amount of economic activity generated by Virginia's aviation system ($ billions)
Measure Last Modified
Aug 23 2022 04:18
Measure Last Published
Aug 26 2022 01:06
Measure Status
Data Source and Calculation
The term “economic activity” is commonly used to describe the economic contribution of an industry or activity (in this case, Virginia’s airports) to regional and state economies. These overall economic effects are measured in jobs, wages, and business sales. Data is collected by surveys of airport managers, tenants, airport-dependent businesses, corporate based aircraft owners, and visitors. The results of these surveys are then input into an input-output model (IMPLAN, a widely used economic modeling system) to calculate total economic impact. The results were published in the Virginia Airport System Economic Impact Study.
Associated Service Areas
SA CodeSA Name
65502Aviation Communication and Education
Measure ID84165502.001.003
Measure ClassAgency Key
Measure TypeOutcome
Year TypeCalendar
Preferred TrendStable
Statistical Unit
Baseline and Targets
Target NameDateResultNote
Short Target 2023
Long Target 2024
Measure Results
YearResultExplanatory Note
201128.80This measure was originally developed in FY 2007, and required a budget amendment for FY 2008 to finance the initiative. In August 2011 the Department published an update of the 2004 Virginia Airport System Economic Impact Study (Study). The Department plans to conduct a comprehensive update of the Study every five to six years because of the significant cost and effort required to perform extensive surveys and analysis. A deliverable of the 2011 Study is a “desk top” model that will enable the Department to economically estimate the annual economic activity generated by the Commonwealth’s public-use airport system; and, over time conduct trend analysis until the next comprehensive study is conducted.
201228.80The Department of Aviation successfully met its target goal of $28.8 billion. In August 2011 the Department published an update of the 2004 Virginia Airport System Economic Impact Study (Study). The Department plans to conduct a comprehensive update of the Study every five to six years because of the significant cost and effort required to perform extensive surveys and analysis. Using the desktop model developed as part of the 2011 Study to accurately estimate changes in economic impact by analysis of controlled, verifiable inputs (such as passenger enplanements and based aircraft), the modeling analysis yielded an annual total economic impact of $28,842,749,729 for calendar year 2011
201328.84The Department of Aviation improved its performance by $209,000 over the prior year on its way to its target goal of $28.9 billion. In August 2011 the Department published an update of the 2004 Virginia Airport System Economic Impact Study (Study). The Department plans to conduct a comprehensive update of the Study every five to six years because of the significant cost and effort required to perform extensive surveys and analysis. Using the desktop model developed as part of the 2011 Study to accurately estimate changes in economic impact by analysis of controlled, verifiable inputs (such as passenger enplanements and based aircraft), the modeling analysis yielded an annual total economic impact of $28,842,958,369 for calendar year 2012
201428.84The Department of Aviation improved its performance by $123,841 over the prior year on its way to its target goal of $28.9 billion. In August 2011 the Department published an update of the 2004 Virginia Airport System Economic Impact Study (Study). The Department plans to conduct a comprehensive update of the Study every five to six years because of the significant cost and effort required to perform extensive surveys and analysis. Using the desktop model developed as part of the 2011 Study to accurately estimate changes in economic impact by analysis of controlled, verifiable inputs (such as passenger enplanements and based aircraft), the modeling analysis yielded an annual total economic impact of $28,843,082,210 for calendar year 2013.
201528.84The Department of Aviation experienced a decrease in its performance by $3,284,668 from the prior year on its way to its target goal of $28.9 billion. In August 2011 the Department published an update of the 2004 Virginia Airport System Economic Impact Study (Study). The Department plans to conduct a comprehensive update of the Study every five to six years because of the significant cost and effort required to perform extensive surveys and analysis. Using the desktop model developed as part of the 2011 Study to accurately estimate changes in economic impact by analysis of controlled, verifiable inputs (such as passenger enplanements and based aircraft), the modeling analysis yielded an annual total economic impact of $28,839,797,542 for calendar year 2014. Several global factors contributed to this contraction in economic activity such as the impact of Sequestration cuts on government travel, declining passenger enplanements at smaller air carrier airports and upgauging of equipment and higher load factors per flight. Currently the Department is looking to conduct an update to the 2011 Study in the upcoming year that will provide a more precise measurement of the economic contribution of the Virginia Airport System
201628.84The Department of Aviation experienced an increase in its performance by $5,806,052 from the prior year on its way to its target goal of $28.9 billion. In August 2011 the Department published an update of the 2004 Virginia Airport System Economic Impact Study (Study). The Department plans to conduct a comprehensive update of the Study every five to six years because of the significant cost and effort required to perform extensive surveys and analysis. Using the desktop model developed as part of the 2011 Study to accurately estimate changes in economic impact by analysis of controlled, verifiable inputs (such as passenger enplanements and based aircraft), the modeling analysis yielded an annual total economic impact of $28,845,603,594 for calendar year 2015. Several global factors contributed to this adjustment in economic activity such as the impact of Sequestration cuts on government travel, resulting in less growth than originally forecast. Currently the Department is conducting a comprehensive update an update to the 2011 Study over the next year that will provide a more precise measurement of the economic contribution of the Virginia Airport System
- Run Date: 04/23/2024 06:39:59