Agency Description This budget request provides an additional $7,500,000 in FY2025 and $7,500,000 in FY2026 to expand the school based mental health program, and provide for a language change to existing appropriation language related to broaden acceptable use of the funds, including allowing funds to be used on data collection and evaluation of services, as well as requiring more in-depth reporting requirements on student absenteeism, referrals for care provided outside of schools, and care services provided within a school setting. |
Consequences of not funding/Justification Requested Language:
Out of this appropriation, $2,500,000 the first year and $7,500,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for: (i) the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and partners to provide technical assistance to school divisions seeking guidance on integrating mental health services; and (ii) grants to school divisions to contract for community-based mental health services for students from public or private community-based providers. The department shall require the pilot programs to report back to the department on the success factors for integrating behavioral health in education settings and identify funding recommendations and resources needed to continue these efforts. The department shall report such information annually to the Behavioral Health Commission by September 1.
Out of this appropriation, $15,000,000 the first year and $15,000,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for: (i) The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to establish a school based technical assistance center to support all school districts seeking guidance on integrating mental health services, data collection and evaluation of services, and training school personnel and community partners on evidence based interventions, and provide schools with an array of evidence based service options that this funding may be used for; (ii) Grants to school divisions to contract with public, private, and other non-profit organizations for: a.) community based mental health and substance use disorder services provided in school, before school or after school, for students and families; b.) delivering high quality programs related to prevention, wellness, and behavioral health literacy. The department shall consider school divisions in rural areas for allocation of a portion of the funding. The department shall require the pilot programs to report back to the department on the outcomes of the interventions, including the rate of absenteeism and referrals to services outside the school, and services provided. The department shall report such information annually to the Behavioral Health Commission by September 1.
DBHDS is requesting $7,500,000 in ongoing support to bring the total appropriation for the school based mental health program to $15,000,000 per year. Additional resources will allow the Department to support up to 25 grants to school division, and continue support for the existing 8 pilot program sites.
The requested language change is intended to modify program requirements to respond to the feedback received by DBHDS during the initial pilot programs in FY 2023, as well as feedback from stakeholders at the Reimaging Mental Health for Virginia’s Youth: A School Based Approach Conference held on June 7th. The discussion, attended by 17 stakeholders from school divisions, state/local government and community providers, sought public input on Right Help Right Now strategic planning. Participants expressed consistent/continued funding, building the behavioral health workforce, and investing resources into a cohesive approach as needs for successful (and long term) program implementation.
Data and outcomes have been a priority of the administration. Allowing funding to be used towards data tracking and evaluation would allow DBHDS to better track data by schools and present the data more frequently. This will also allow the Department and school divisions to make data informed decisions regarding funding allocations to most effectively serve the school-aged population. Additionally, the requested language provides greater specificity regarding the type of support and training to be offered by the Department.
Explanations and Methodologies $7,500,000 each fiscal year is requested to supplement the $7,500,000 added to this program budget in Chapter 1 of the 2023 Special Session I. The total requested program budget is $15,000,000, requiring $7,500,00 in addition to the recently appropriated funds.
Amount Requested
School based services
Up to 25 grants to school divisions, public community-based providers, or private community-based providers and continued funding for the 8 pilot sites $415,000 per program x 32 programs
Technical Assistance
MOU or contract with the Department of Education and other school-based mental health partners to expand technical assistance on school based mental health integration.
Other Technical Assistance
DBHDS to provide additional support through activities such as but not limited to conferences and training to local school divisions on the integration of school based mental health
Data Infrastructure
MOU or contract to support statewide planning, evaluation and implementation.