The 2022 Executive Budget Document
Governor Northam's Proposed Budget for the 2022-2024 Biennum
Released on December 16, 2021Back to Front PageDPB Home PageVirginia's Budget 
Central Capital Outlay [949]
Secretary: Central Appropriations
Operating Budget Summary
This table shows the Governor's proposed budget for the next two years and the agency's official budget for the previous six years.
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BienniumFiscal YearSourceGeneral FundNongeneral FundTotal
Positions Summary
BienniumFiscal YearSourceGeneral FundNongeneral FundTotal
The governor recommends no changes to this agency’s budget.
Capital Project Requests(in order largest to smallest)
2022 Public Educational Institution Capital Account construction pool
Provides funding for the construction of a variety of capital projects at institutions of higher education. Funding for multiple projects is pooled together centrally and subject to the capital pool process in § 2.2-1515 et. seq, Code of Virginia.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$413,948,000$500,000,000
Nongeneral Fund$10,000,000$19,266,000
Central Maintenance Reserve Allocation
Provides funding to be distributed to agencies and institutions of higher education to address critical maintenance needs in state-owned facilities. This funding can be used to address major repairs or replacements that are intended to extend the useful life of the physical plant, property, and equipment.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$177,000,000$177,000,000
2022 State Agency Capital Account construction pool
Provides funding for the construction of a variety of capital projects for state agencies. Funding for multiple projects is pooled together centrally and subject to the capital pool process in § 2.2-1515 et. seq, Code of Virginia. This pool includes projects for agencies other than institutions of higher education.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$111,700,000$0
Fund programs providing funding for local water-related infrastructure projects
Provides $100,000,000 from the general fund to the Department of Environmental Quality Stormwater Local Assistance Fund.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$100,000,000$0
Supplement Previously Authorized Capital Project Construction Pools
Provides additional funding to a central supplement pool, which is available to cover shortfalls in other central construction pools.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$50,000,000$50,000,000
Detail Planning for Capital Projects
Provides funding to support detailed planning for newly authorized capital projects at state agencies and institutions of higher education and support the full detailed planning costs for all projects previously authorized in a detailed planning pool.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$76,282,000$0
Nongeneral Fund$1,533,000$0
Workforce Development Projects
Provides funding to support capital investment associated with bolstering technology-related education to address workforce needs.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$18,500,000$14,400,000
Central Reserve for Capital Equipment Funding
Provides funding to be disbursed to agencies and institutions of higher education for equipment purchases related to previously authorized capital projects.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$31,035,000$0
Supplement project in 2020 VPBA Capital Construction Pool
Provides additional funding for the 2020 VPBA Construction Pool to support a scope change for the Library of Virginia State Records Center Addition project.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$16,600,000$0
Supplement Project in Chapter 806 Construction Pool
Supplements Virginia State University project to Construct Water Storage Tank, Campus Wide Distribution Piping, and Campus Sewer Upgrades, which was funded from the Construction Pool from Chapter 806, 2013 Acts of Assembly.
FY 2023FY 2024
General Fund$3,400,000$0
Long-term lease authorizations
Adjusts various long-term lease authorizations.