The 2019 Executive Budget Document
Governor Northam's Proposed Amendments to the 2018-2020 Biennial Budget
Released on December 18, 2018Back to Front PageDPB Home PageVirginia's Budget 
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Budget Amendments
Agency NameAgency CodeCategoryBulletFY 2019 General Fund DollarsFY 2019 Nongeneral Fund DollarsFY 2020 General Fund DollarsFY 2020 Nongeneral Fund Dollars
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Administration of Health Insurance149Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation for the State Health Benefits Program costs
Adjusts nongeneral fund appropriation to support claims and administrative costs of the state employee health insurance program. The appropriation adjustment is based on the most recent assumptions in health care costs provided by the agency's actuary.
Administration of Health Insurance149Technical
Eliminate appropriation for discontinued COVA Local insurance program
Removes appropriation for the COVA Local health insurance program claims and third party administrator costs. The COVA Local health insurance program, authorized in Chapter 512 of the Acts of Assembly of 2016, was never implemented due to insufficient enrollment numbers. A companion amendment in the Department of Human Resource Management eliminates appropriation provided for the other administrative expenses.
Attorney General and Department of Law141Non-Technical
Regulatory and Consumer Advocacy Revolving Fund Increase
Increases revolving fund appropriation by $500,000.
Auditor of Public Accounts133Technical
Increase in NGF Revenue Appropriation
Increases nongeneral fund appropriation in fiscal year 2020.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust retiree health insurance credit benefit for public safety employees
Provides general fund support to increase the retiree health insurance credit benefit for public safety personnel. This amendment increases the retiree health insurance credit benefit from $4.00 to $6.00 per month for each year of service for State Police Officers' Retirement System (SPORS) and Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System (VaLORS) members and increases the retiree health insurance credit benefit for sheriffs and deputies from $1.50 to $5.00 per month for each year of service.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Provide funding for reimbursement of presidential primary expenses
Provides general fund support to reimburse the Department of Elections and localities for presidential primary expenses. Section 24.2-545 (F), Code of Virginia, requires presidential primary costs to be paid by the Commonwealth.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Provide education funds consistent with proposed workforce development initiatives
Provides funds to help address workforce needs by strategically investing in bolstering computer science-related education at both the public and higher education levels.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust funding for changes in agency information technology costs
Adjusts funding for the general fund share of information technology and telecommunications usage by state agencies. The funding reflects the latest utilization estimates provided by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency and assumes repayment of approved costs associated with replacing information technology services provided by the former statewide vendor.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust funding for changes in Cardinal Financials system charges
Adjusts funding for the general fund portion of internal service fund charges for the Cardinal Financials system. Changes primarily reflect the impact of delayed implementation of the Cardinal Payroll module. Funding previously budgeted to support new Cardinal Payroll internal service fund charges is adjusted separately.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Provide one percent bonus to state and state-supported local employees
Funds a one percent bonus for full-time state employees and state-supported local employees, effective December 1, 2019.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust funding for Line of Duty Act (LODA) premiums to include eligible part-time state employees
Provides funding for LODA premiums to include eligible part-time state employees. The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) indicates that certain part-time employees are eligible for full benefits under LODA in the event of a death or disability. However, VRS has not included eligible part-time employees in the LODA premium invoices distributed to state agencies.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust funding for Cardinal Payroll implementation delay
Removes funding previously budgeted for internal service fund charges of the new Cardinal Payroll system due to the project's adjusted implementation timeline.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust funding for Line of Duty Act (LODA) premiums based on current enrollment
Adjusts funding to reflect the actual premium charged in the first year and the estimated premium charged in the second year for LODA.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Provide funding for workforce development case management
Provides funding to integrate workforce case management systems across state agencies. This funding will enable interagency information sharing, improve efficiency and provide customers with an easy-to-use entry point into the workforce development system.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Fund commission to study paid parental leave
Provides funding to support a commission to study paid parental leave for workers in the Commonwealth.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Provide funding to support higher education interest earnings
Adjusts funding for higher education institutions' share of tuition and fee interest earnings and small purchase credit card rebates.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust funding for agency health insurance premium costs
Reduces general fund appropriation provided for the employer share of health insurance premiums. The latest actuarial report projects health insurance costs will be lower than the premiums funded in the second year of Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Virginia Acts of Assembly. The employer and employee contributions will remain equal to the premiums funded in the first year of Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Virginia Acts of Assembly, for all employee health insurance plans, except for the employer contributions of the Kaiser health insurance plan.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust funding for agency workers' compensation premiums
Adjusts funding for workers' compensation premiums based on the latest actuarial report. Premiums include the scheduled payback of the working capital advance used to settle workers' compensation claims.
Central Appropriations995Non-Technical
Adjust funding for costs of the University of Virginia's health insurance plan
Funds the general fund portion of premium changes for the University of Virginia's Health Insurance Program.
Central Capital Outlay949Capital
Central Reserve for Capital Equipment Funding
Provides funding for equipment needed for the operation of new facilities coming online over the next eighteen months.
Central Capital Outlay949Capital
Detail Planning for Capital Projects
Provides funding to support detailed planning for a variety of capital projects.
Central Capital Outlay949Capital
Capital Outlay Renovation Pool supplement for Kentland facilities project
Provides supplemental funding required to complete the Virginia Tech Extension capital project to improve its Kentland Facilities.
Central Capital Outlay949Capital
2019 Capital Construction Pool
Provides funding for the construction of a variety of capital projects.
Central Capital Outlay949Capital
Parking Deck Repairs--Higher Education Institutions
Authorizes 9(d) revenue bonds to address repair needs at parking decks of several higher education institutions.
Central Capital Outlay949Capital
Workforce Development Projects
Provides funding to support capital investment associated with bolstering computer-related education to address workforce needs.
Central Capital Outlay949Capital
Capital Outlay Project Pool supplement for fire alarm systems project
Provides supplemental funding for the Department of Correction's project to replace fire alarm systems.
Children's Services Act200Non-Technical
Change reporting date for annual report on match rates
Changes the date of an annual report on differential match rates from October 1 to December 1 to reflect the availability of information provided by localities to the Office of Children's Services.
Children's Services Act200Non-Technical
Correct technical error in nongeneral fund appropriation
Corrects a technical error in an embedded figure to properly reflect the amount of available nongeneral fund revenue.
Children's Services Act200Non-Technical
Delete outdated language on local administrative costs
Deletes outdated language related to the local costs of administering the Children's Services Act program.
Children's Services Act200Non-Technical
Change date for report on therapeutic foster care services
Changes the date of an annual report on therapeutic foster care services from September 1 to December 1 to reflect the availability of information provided by localities to the Office of Children's Services.
Children's Services Act200Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation to account for caseload and utilization
Reflects a reduction in anticipated growth in services provided through the Children's Services Act.
Children's Services Act200Non-Technical
Fund rent increase at the Office of Children's Services
Provides for the cost of a rent increase at the Office of Children's Services administrative office.
Christopher Newport University242Non-Technical
Increase Educational and General Program nongeneral fund appropriation
Adjusts nongeneral fund appropriation to account for revenue from changes to student tuition that have been approved by the board of visitors.
Christopher Newport University242Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Compensation Board157Technical
Revert excess funding and positions for expanded jail capacity
Provides authorizing language to revert general fund appropriation in fiscal year 2020 due to the delayed opening of the Prince William/Manassas adult detention center expansion project.
Compensation Board157Non-Technical
Revise existing language related to the housing of Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation inmates in Nottoway County
Clarifies existing language regarding the reimbursement of housing Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation inmates in Nottoway County.
Compensation Board157Technical
Revert excess funding to support per diem payments to localities and regional jails
Reverts unexpended general fund appropriation resulting from lower than projected jail per diem payouts.
Compensation Board157Non-Technical
Provide funding for body worn camera review in Commonwealth's Attorneys offices
Provides funding to address the increased workloads of Commonwealth's Attorneys as a result of body worn camera requirements.
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services262Technical
Move appropriation to reflect agency operations
Aligns the agency's base budget to reflect current operations. Appropriations are moved between service areas to ensure that all agency employees and services are properly budgeted.
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services262Non-Technical
Provide support for adult protective services
Adds a position to the adult protective services (APS) division that is needed to support policy and training activities. This position will enhance statewide oversight and improve APS provided through local departments of social services.
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services262Non-Technical
Adjust appropriations to reflect vocational rehabilitation reductions
Adjusts appropriation and maximum employment level to account for federal reductions to supplemental vocational rehabilitation grant revenue that had been historically budgeted by the agency. This amendment only modifies appropriations to reflect current operations as the agency has already made the necessary reductions administratively. Budget language is also modified to require reports on vocational rehabilitation grant spending and limit reallotment spending on activities that do not create on-going state obligations.
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired702Non-Technical
Ensure the continuation of services for deafblind Virginians
Provides general fund dollars to ensure the continued operation of the agency’s deafblind program. The program is run with two specialist positions who assist deafblind individuals with accessing services that facilitate independence and employment. This state support is needed to replace nongeneral fund revenue that is no longer available.
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired702Non-Technical
Fund the cost of reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities
Provides general fund support for staff accommodations that ensure approximately 140 employees are able to travel to conduct business in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This action is necessary as the nongeneral funds that have historically supported these expenses will not be available beginning in 2020.
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired702Technical
Increase appropriation to support enterprise activities for vision impaired individuals
Appropriates revenue to support vending management support contract. The department contracts with Business Opportunities for the Blind (BOB) to provide management support services for vending operations. This contract was previously supported by vocational rehabilitation grant funds because the vending revenue has been historically low. However, there has been an increase in vending revenue over the last two years, such that revenue is sufficient to cover the cost ($290,000) of the BOB contract.
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired702Technical
Move appropriation between programs to reflect agency operations
Transfers appropriation from Virginia Industries for the Blind (program 81003) to general administration (program 49901) to reflect the cost allocation of agency-wide expenses.
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired702Non-Technical
Provide vocational rehabilitative services for the blind and vision impaired
Allows approximately 50 blind and visually impaired individuals, who are currently on a wait-list, to receive vocational rehabilitation services.
Department of Accounts151Non-Technical
Adjust Cardinal Financials appropriation for post-production services
Updates appropriation for operating costs of the Cardinal Financials system. Changes primarily reflect the impact of delayed implementation of the Cardinal Payroll module. A separate amendment adjusts the operating costs of the new Cardinal Payroll system based on the delayed implementation of the system.
Department of Accounts151Technical
Adjust appropriation for Cardinal Payroll implementation delay
Removes nongeneral fund appropriation provided for operating costs to reflect the new Cardinal Payroll system's adjusted implementation timeline.
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments162Non-Technical
Appropriate mandatory Revenue Stabilization Fund deposit
Provides the mandatory deposit to the Revenue Stabilization Fund ("Rainy Day Fund"). The mandatory deposit is equal to the amount certified by the Auditor of Public Accounts.
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments162Non-Technical
Appropriate mandatory balances to the Revenue Reserve Fund
Provides balances committed by the Comptroller on the June 30, 2018 balance sheet for the Revenue Reserve Fund, as mandated pursuant to Item 266 of Chapter 2, 2018 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I.
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments162Non-Technical
Provide additional funding for the Revenue Reserve Fund
Provides supplemental amounts to the Revenue Reserve Fund. Associated budget language changes the fund maximum limit and potential usage of the fund.
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments162Technical
Provide appropriation for distributions of the Historic Triangle Sales Tax
Provides appropriation for required distributions of Historic Triangle Sales Tax Collections pursuant to Chapter 850, 2018 Acts of Assembly.
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services301Non-Technical
Modernize animal health and dairy laboratory services
Provides funding to establish an ongoing laboratory equipment replacement cycle using the Commonwealth's Master Equipment Leasing Program. Use of the master lease funding will allow for a comprehensive plan to gradually replace obsolete equipment and modernize testing protocols.
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services301Non-Technical
Increase emergency responsiveness and animal care coverage
Provides funding for an emergency services and preparedness coordinator position. The position will serve as a central point for emergency preparedness, planning and deployment in the event of any major disaster involving livestock, companion animals, crops, and food products.
Department of Aviation841Non-Technical
Reduce spending for contractual services
Adds two information technology staff positions to replace contractual services. The Auditor of Public Accounts has recommended that the agency retain in-house knowledge of its systems and data to effectively manage information technology.
Department of Aviation841Non-Technical
Add new Aircraft Registration Program position
Transitions a temporary employee to a full time agency employee. This position ensures that the 5,000 aircraft based in the Commonwealth are in compliance with the registration of aircraft by owners and that the owners pay the Aircraft Sales and Use Tax.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Non-Technical
Support juvenile competency restoration services to address the increasing number of court orders in Virginia
Funds one additional juvenile competency restoration counselor in the city of Richmond to address waitlists for restoration services.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Non-Technical
Monitor impact of Medicaid expansion on Community Services Boards
Requires the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), in consultation with the Department of Medical Assistance Services, to monitor the impact of Medicaid expansion on the Community Services Boards. If the amount of new revenue generated as a result of expansion is at least ten percent less than the savings assumed in the Act, the Commissioner of DBHDS may allocate up to $7.0 million in nongeneral funds to replace lost revenue.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Technical
Realign administrative funds within the central office
Realigns funding within the agency's central office to eliminate the need for administrative transfers. This amendment has no fiscal impact.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Non-Technical
Expand services for adults with disabilities in Loudoun County
Provides funds to contract with the Jewish Foundation for Group Homes to expand services for young adults with disabilities in Loudoun County.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Non-Technical
Eliminate special fund cap in the first year
Eliminates the cap on special fund balances the first year to account for multi-year special fund obligations such as capital projects.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Non-Technical
Restore victims of eugenical sterilization compensation base appropriation
Provides funds and authorization for the payment of claims made by those deemed eligible for compensation as a result of their involuntary sterilization pursuant to the Virginia Eugenical Sterilization Act who were living as of February 1, 2015.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Non-Technical
Provide funds for children's mental health access program
Provides funds to contract with the Virginia Mental Health Access Program to develop integrated mental health services for children.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Non-Technical
Provide necessary resources for SIS assessments for new waiver population
Provides funding for the first-time assessments of the individuals who will receive services through the 1,067 new ID/DD Medicaid waiver slots scheduled to become available in the second year. The cost of the assessments for the slots added in the first year was covered using year-end balances.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Non-Technical
Purchase additional naloxone kits
Provides funds for the purchase and distribution of additional REVIVE! kits and naloxone spray used for the reversal of opioid overdose.
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Technical
Increase federal fund appropriation for the Waiver Management System
Provides additional federal fund appropriation authority for the continued implementation of the Waiver Management System (WaMS) project. The WaMS project is an automated system that consolidates many waiver processing functions such as waiver service preauthorization, enrollment management, and waitlist management, into one system.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Non-Technical
Support the development and implementation of the Virginia Great Valley Lewis and Clark Eastern Legacy Trail
Provides funding and one position to assist in the development of the Virginia Great Valley Lewis and Clark Eastern Legacy Trail Project. The position will be located at Natural Bridge State Park.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Non-Technical
Increase funding for the Virginia Land Conservation Fund
Provides additional general fund support for deposit to the Virginia Land Conservation Fund. The funding establishes an appropriation of $5.5 million the first year, and increases the second year appropriation to $10.0 million.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Non-Technical
Provide support for the limited opening of Clinch River State Park
Establishes funding to support the limited opening of Clinch River State Park, which will include minimal staffing and recreation facilities such as hiking trails, picnic areas, parking areas, signage, and two water access points for visitors.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Non-Technical
Increase appropriation to support the Land Preservation Tax Credit Program
Provides additional nongeneral funds and one position to administer the Land Preservation Tax Credit Program. This appropriation is to implement legislation to be considered during the 2019 General Assembly Session.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Non-Technical
Provide nongeneral funds to support the Daniel Boone Wilderness Interpretive Center
Establishes operating appropriation and one position to support the transfer of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Interpretive Center to the Division of State Parks as a satellite facility to the Natural Tunnel State Park. Current Appropriation Act language provides for the transfer of the Center and funds to the department, once completed. A companion capital amendment authorizes the department to accept the Center and surrounding acreage.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Technical
Reallocate appropriation for public communications and marketing activities
Centralizes public communications and marketing resources under the agency's Administrative and Support Services program. This amendment is a zero-sum, technical adjustment.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Non-Technical
Direct the required deposit to the Water Quality Improvement Fund from the FY 2018 surplus
Provides general fund appropriation for the mandatory deposit to the Water Quality Improvement Fund (WQIF) associated with the FY 2018 year-end surplus designated for deposit to the WQIF and WQIF Reserve.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Non-Technical
Increase funding for the Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection Assistance Program
Provides additional funds for deposit to the Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection Assistance Fund. The Fund supports grants to local governments and private entities owning regulated dams to improve dam safety. The increased funding brings the appropriation to $732,147 in FY 2020.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Non-Technical
Provide additional funding for the Water Quality Improvement Fund
Supplements the FY 2018 surplus deposit to the Water Quality Improvement Fund. The additional funds will focus on the implementation of agricultural best management practices.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Capital
Acquire the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center
Establishes a capital project to allow the agency to accept the transfer of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Interpretive Center to the Division of State Parks as a satellite facility to the Natural Tunnel State Park. Current Appropriation Act language provides for the transfer of the Center to the agency, once completed. A companion amendment provides operating appropriation.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Capital
Acquire land for Middle Peninsula State Park
Provides nongeneral fund appropriation for the agency to acquire a parcel of land to be developed for Middle Peninsula State Park. Current authorization provides for the acquisition and development of this park in accordance with provisions of the Surry-Skiffes Creek Transmission Line Mitigation Agreement.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Capital
Acquisition of land for Natural Area Preserves
Increases nongeneral fund appropriation to support the acquisition of Natural Area Preserves.
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Capital
Acquisition of land for State Parks
Increases nongeneral fund appropriation to support the acquisition of land for the agency's State Parks.
Department of Corrections799Non-Technical
Provide additional funding and positions to support medical care at Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women
Provides funding and positions to transition medical care at Fluvanna Correctional Center from a third-party contract to the Department of Corrections.
Department of Corrections799Non-Technical
Provide the state share of Martinsville City Jail's security control system upgrade
Provides the 25 percent state share of the cost for Martinsville City Jail to upgrade its security control system as authorized by state law. This project was approved by the Board of Corrections in 2018.
Department of Corrections799Non-Technical
Provide funding for legislation projected to increase need for prison beds
Provides the "Woodrum" appropriation for legislation proposed by the Governor. State law requires an appropriation covering one year of costs for any legislation that may increase the prison population over the six-year period after the bill is enacted. There are six such bills proposed: prohibit possession of firearms for persons subject to final orders of protection; increase the penalty for allowing children to access unsecured firearms; prohibit the sale, possession, and transport of assault firearms; require background checks for all firearms sales; allow the removal of firearms from persons exhibiting extreme risk to themselves or others; and prohibit the sale, possession, and transport of bump-stock devices. The impact of these bills is estimated at $50,000 each.
Department of Corrections799Non-Technical
Provide funding to expand the Community Corrections Alternative Program (CCAP)
Provides additional funding to expand the Community Corrections Alternative Program (CCAP) by adding beds at Harrisonburg Detention and Diversion Center, Appalachian Detention and Diversion Center, and Cold Springs Detention and Diversion Center. This program provides substance abuse treatment, cognitive behavioral treatment, and vocational and educational support for nonviolent offenders with histories of opioid substance abuse.
Department of Corrections799Non-Technical
Provide funding to enhance retention and recruitment of staff at Augusta Correctional Center
Provides a salary adjustment of $2,675 for all security positions at Augusta Correctional Center to reduce the vacancy rate.
Department of Corrections799Non-Technical
Increase funding for offender medical costs
Provides funding for increased medical costs based on updated projections. This action also provides general fund appropriation in the first year to offset a shortfall in a nongeneral fund source (Drug Offender Assessment Fund) originally provided in Chapter 2, 2018 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I.
Department of Corrections799Non-Technical
Provide funding and positions to implement the Military Medics and Corpsmen Program
Provides funding and positions for the Department of Corrections to hire discharged military medical personnel under the Military Medics and Corpsmen (MMAC) program.
Department of Corrections799Non-Technical
Implement an electronic healthcare records system in women's correctional facilities
Funds an electronic healthcare records system in women's correctional facilities. The nongeneral fund source is revenue generated from housing offenders from other states and territories.
Department of Corrections799Capital
Sussex I and II and Wallens Ridge Heating and Hot Water System Supplement
Changes the scope of an existing project to include additional piping and equipment upgrades.
Department of Corrections799Capital
Greensville Heating and Hot Water System Supplement
Changes scope of existing project to include related piping and equipment upgrades.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Provide community policing training
Provides funding to enable the agency to resume offering training on community policing. This training was supported with grant funds in previous years, but that source of funding is no longer available.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Increase funding for school threat assessment team training
Provides funding and a position to develop a case management tool for school threat assessments and to expand the technical assistance and training available for threat assessment team members.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Provide active shooter training
Provides funding and one position to enable the agency to continue active shooter training to schools and communities.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Continue jail mental health initiative
Continues funding for pilot programs in jails for inmates with mental health problems, and expands the programs to other locations.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Improve collection of school safety data
Provides funding and a position to enable the agency to continue to administer the School Climate Survey and to enhance its research capability to analyze school safety data.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Expand training for school resource and security officers
Provides funding and a position to enable the agency to provide basic training for every school resource officer.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Increase training for school safety
Provides funding and positions to expand the capability of the agency to provide training and technical assistance related to school safety.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Increase percentage of federal grant funds to be used for administration
Language amendment authorizing the agency to use ten percent of federal criminal justice grant funding for administration, consistent with existing federal regulations.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Technical
Increase number of positions
Increases the authorized number of general fund and nongeneral fund positions to reflect workload increases.
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Non-Technical
Add servers for the law enforcement records management system
Provides funding for additional servers and storage capacity to support the agency's new Law Enforcement Records Management System. The system will manage the training and certification records of all law enforcement officers throughout Virginia. The new integrated system will replace 40 distinct databases that are not currently integrated.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Enhance local capacity and quality of Virginia Preschool Initiative programs
Supports two Early Childhood Education positions to provide individualized professional development and to support local implementation of evidence-based curriculum and classroom observations in Virginia Preschool Initiative programs. These positions support implementation of the Department of Education's November 2018 Plan to Ensure High-Quality Instruction in All Virginia Preschool Initiative Classrooms and are funded by savings realized under the Direct Aid Virginia Preschool Initiative - Provisional Teacher Licensure program based on actual eligibility and participation.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Transfer Virtual Virginia nongeneral fund appropriation from Direct Aid to Department of Education Central Office
Transfers the nongeneral fund appropriation for Virtual Virginia tuition revenues from Direct Aid to the Department of Education Central Office, which is where the receipt and expenditure of these revenues occurs.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Support computer science education and training needs
Provides funding to support statewide computer science education and training needs through a contract between the Department of Education and the University of Virginia.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Transfer certain Virginia Preschool Initiative program appropriations from Direct Aid to Department of Education Central Office
Transfers the appropriations for Virginia Preschool Initiative teacher professional development and Virginia Preschool Initiative classroom observations from Direct Aid to the Department of Education, Central Office Operations. The Department of Education is required to contract with the University of Virginia to provide these services, and funding for Department of Education contracts is appropriated under the central office.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Address agency finance and information technology security risks
Supports four positions to address material weaknesses in finance, risk management, and information technology security, as identified through recent audits. Positions include two Information Technology Security Operations Specialists, one Oracle Financials Functional Administrator, and one Agency Risk Management and Internal Control Standards (ARMICS) Controls Testing/Documentation Specialist.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Update the Virginia Studies and the Civics and Economics Standards of Learning tests
Updates the Virginia Studies and the Civics and Economics Standards of Learning tests to measure the revised History standards adopted by the Board of Education in 2015.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Automate the teacher licensure application and intake process
Provides funding to automate the teacher license application system.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Replace Online Management of Education Grant Awards (OMEGA) System
Provides funding to support a new grants management system to replace the aging OMEGA system. Addresses recommendations of recent audit reports.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Increase state support for military compact state membership fee
Provides additional funding for Virginia's annual Military Interstate Compact Commission dues based on a formula increase approved by the Commission and effective FY 2020.
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Non-Technical
Support local implementation of seclusion and restraint regulations
Supports statewide training and assistance for local school divisions to implement the Board of Education's Regulations Governing the Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in Virginia, which are expected to be effective in FY 2020. Funding supports training for one staff member per local school division, as well as the human resources and technical assistance supports necessary for the Department of Education to implement the regulation and provide ongoing assistance to divisions.
Department of Elections132Non-Technical
Provide appropriation for federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) election security grant
Facilitates use of new HAVA grant funds awarded to the Commonwealth. Funds will be used to enhance the security of the state's election infrastructure, including the Virginia Election and Registration Information System (VERIS).
Department of Elections132Non-Technical
Provide additional fiscal administrative position
Funds one additional full-time equivalent position to support and provide a backup for fiscal and administrative functions. The position will address recommendations made by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission in the September 2018 Operations and Performance of Virginia’s Department of Elections Report.
Department of Elections132Non-Technical
Advertise voter referendum for Equal Rights Amendment
Funds the cost of providing public notice of a statewide voter referendum. Section 30-19.10, Code of Virginia, requires the State Board of Elections to run advertisements in state newspapers and prepare posters and pamphlets providing public notice about statewide referendums.
Department of Elections132Non-Technical
Provide two voter list maintenance positions
Provides two full-time equivalent positions to enhance voter list maintenance auditing processes and implement standard list maintenance practices amongst general registrars. These duties are consistent with multiple recommendations made by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission in the September 2018 Operations and Performance of Virginia’s Department of Elections Report.
Department of Elections132Non-Technical
Enhance training program for election officials
Provides three full-time equivalent positions and resources to develop and maintain expanded curriculum and availability of training programs for local election officials across the Commonwealth. Robust and comprehensive training programs for local election officials support uniformity and integrity of election administration in the state.
Department of Emergency Management127Non-Technical
Fund training programs and support operations of special response teams
Provides additional funding to support the Virginia Emergency Support Team (VEST) and Special Operations response team. VEST is a group of state, federal, private, and nonprofit representatives that responds to requests for assistance from localities. The Special Operations team responds to special events that are not declared emergencies.
Department of Emergency Management127Non-Technical
Provide general fund support for search and rescue operations
Provides general fund support for search and rescue training activities and converts two existing positions from nongeneral fund to general fund.
Department of Emergency Management127Non-Technical
Replenish Disaster Response Fund line of credit
Provides one-time general fund support to address a debt to the Treasurer of Virginia for use of a line of credit for the Disaster Response Fund. Historically, the agency has been provided one-time funding to pay off the line of credit. Funding for this purpose was last provided in 2015 ($100,000).
Department of Environmental Quality440Non-Technical
Fund communication and public outreach study
Increases general fund appropriation for a one-time study of the agency's community engagement capacity.
Department of Environmental Quality440Non-Technical
Provide support for regulatory review in permitting and monitoring programs
Provides funding and positions for regulatory review and permit writing in the agency's air and water protection programs.
Department of Environmental Quality440Non-Technical
Provide funding for online service upgrades
Increases general fund support for website redesign, and for the development and maintenance of an online service portal.
Department of Environmental Quality440Non-Technical
Provide funding for stormwater local assistance
Increases general fund support for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund to assist governmental entities in implementing stormwater projects.
Department of Fire Programs960Non-Technical
Provide general fund support to address the increased workload in the State Fire Marshal Office
Provides general fund appropriation to fill two vacant positions to assist with increased workload demands in the State Fire Marshal Office (SFMO). The SFMO is responsible for implementing and overseeing programs to reduce risks from fire and ensuring compliance with state fire codes.
Department of Forensic Science778Non-Technical
Fund cost of laboratory supplies in biology and toxicology sections
Provides funding to purchase supplies needed to perform case analysis in the forensic biology and toxicology sections.
Department of Forensic Science778Non-Technical
Increase federal fund appropriation and position levels
Increases nongeneral fund appropriation and provides two positions to support grant funding for the toxicology and forensic biology sections.
Department of Forensic Science778Non-Technical
Restore second year general fund appropriation and support ongoing opioid crisis response
Restores funding that was carried forward from fiscal year 2020 to fiscal year 2019 to fund an opioid crisis emergency response plan, and funds positions and outsourcing costs to address backlogs in the controlled substances section.
Department of Forestry411Non-Technical
Strengthen hardwood forest management practices and sustainability
Provides funding for a hardwood management coordinator to assist public and private entities implement sustainable hardwood forest management practices.
Department of Forestry411Non-Technical
Provide additional support for the agency's water quality program
Provides funding for a watersheds program manager to consolidate the agency’s water quality efforts to improve water quality from forested watersheds and implement forestry restoration strategies included in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan.
Department of Forestry411Non-Technical
Establish agency apprenticeship program
Supports three apprenticeship positions at $15,000 per year for each position. The apprenticeship positions include one mechanic to support the agency's vehicle maintenance program and two forestry technicians.
Department of Forestry411Non-Technical
Provide additional support for the agency's land conservation easement program
Provides funding for a land conservation stewardship coordinator to monitor and steward the conservation easements held by the agency through its forestry conservation easement program.
Department of Forestry411Non-Technical
Increase bandwidth capacity at five agency field offices
Provides funding to increase bandwidth capacity at the agency’s offices in Abingdon, Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest, New Kent, Salem, and Tappahannock to increase efficiency, and to better support the agency's ability to dispatch and track personnel and assets assigned to wildfires.
Department of Forestry411Capital
Construct New Vehicle Service Center
Provides for the sale of existing property to construct a new vehicle service center for the Department of Forestry.
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries403Non-Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation
Provides additional nongeneral fund appropriation to support agency operations, including the legislatively authorized salary increase in the Appropriation Act. This amendment also updates language to reflect existing transfers to the Game Protection Fund as directed in § 3-1.01, subparagraphs K.1 and M of the Appropriation Act.
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries403Non-Technical
Reallocate appropriation across programs and service areas
Reallocates appropriation to align with the agency's organizational structure and expenditures. This is a zero-sum amendment.
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries403Non-Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation for mitigation and settlement revenue
Provides additional nongeneral funds to align with revenue from mitigation and settlement agreements. The appropriation will support restoration activities at Hog Island and mussel propagation efforts.
Department of General Services194Non-Technical
Increase appropriation for the Division of Real Estate Services internal service fund
Aligns appropriation for the Division of Real Estate Services with projected expenditures. Additional appropriation is needed to meet the contracted increase in lease costs of state agencies.
Department of General Services194Technical
Provide one-time nongeneral fund appropriation for special projects in leased spaces
Provides one-time appropriation for special projects in leased spaces. The projects include the purchase and installation of furniture, fixtures, and equipment in the Department of Health's Chesterfield location and the refurbishment of the Perimeter Center Building. Both of these projects are in accordance with their respective leases.
Department of General Services194Non-Technical
Provide funding for additional Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services reportable disease testing
Provides funding and three positions for additional Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services reportable disease testing. The additional staff is needed to address an increase in the number of specimen samples being sent to the laboratory, as well as additional testing on new reportable diseases that will be required as a result of recently passed Department of Health regulations.
Department of General Services194Non-Technical
Provide funding for increased eVA contractual costs and enhancements
Provide funding for increased eVA contractual costs and enhancements.
Department of General Services194Non-Technical
Provide funding for On the Square VA
Provides funding for the On the Square VA employee engagement activities.
Department of General Services194Technical
Provide appropriation to upgrade laboratory testing equipment
Provides appropriation to upgrade laboratory testing equipment. The Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services will upgrade existing equipment used to support air testing through the Department of Environmental Quality, as well as pesticide and food quality testing through the Virginia Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services.
Department of General Services194Capital
Security improvements for North Drive
Provides funding to effectuate security improvements for North Drive on Capitol Square.
Department of Health601Technical
Transfer appropriation to the correct fund related to a prior year General Assembly adjustment
Transfers general fund and nongeneral fund appropriation between programs and funds to accurately reflect where expenditures will occur.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Provide additional funding for proton beam therapy
Increases funding for the Proton Beam Therapy Institute at Hampton University. This funding allows the institute to continue to provide cancer care for the Commonwealth. Funding will also assist in infrastructure development and advance the research and training components of the institute.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Provide support for rent increases at local health departments
Supports local health districts that are expecting significant cost increases due to moving to new facilities or rent increases in existing facilities by providing additional general and nongeneral fund appropriation. Health Districts do not fully control the process for determining when and where their facilities will be located.
Department of Health601Technical
Increase the Central Pharmacy's appropriation
Provides nongeneral fund appropriation in 2020 for the Central Pharmacy to make additional drug purchases for the health districts.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Funding for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner to establish the State Overdose Fatality Review Team
Provides general fund appropriation to establish the State Overdose Fatality Review Team. The team will work alongside the local and regional overdose fatality review teams in the prevention of overdoses from prescribed, commercially available, or illicit substances as a result of misuse, overuse, and abuse.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Provide support for an increase in rent for the Office of Environmental Health's White Stone Field Office
Provides general fund to support an increase in rent at the Office of Environmental Health, Shellfish Division, White Stone field office’s laboratory. The new rent amount will allow the current landlord to make the necessary renovations to the facility.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Provide funding for anticipated additional OAG charges related to defending a pending lawsuit
Provides one-time general fund support to cover costs associated with legal fees.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Additional funding for the Virginia Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative
Provides the Virginia Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative with general fund support to improve pregnancy outcomes for women and newborns.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Support Federation of Virginia Food Banks with TANF
Supports the Federation of Virginia Food Banks from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant to strengthen outreach to food-insecure children throughout the Commonwealth.
Department of Health601Technical
Receive nongeneral fund appropriation from the Department of Social Services for Healthy Families
Transfers appropriation from the Department of Social Services for Healthy Families, eliminating the need for an administrative transfer during the fiscal year.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Support for childhood immunizations
Provides general fund to be used to purchase Meningococcal Conjugate (MCV4), Hepatitis A, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines for children and adolescents to be administered at local health departments.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Provide funding to contract with Eastville Community Health Center
Provides general fund to contract with the Eastern Shore Rural Health System to help support the pediatrics wing at the new Eastville Center.
Department of Health601Technical
Transfer general fund between programs to reflect proper alignment
Transfers general fund appropriation between programs to accurately reflect where expenditures will occur.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Transfer federal appropriation to special fund for grant alignment correction
Transfers appropriation between fund groups to accurately reflect where expenditures occur.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Provide funding to contract with Riverside Health System
Provides general fund to contract with the Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital to support the obstetrics program.
Department of Health601Non-Technical
Increase the Certificate of Public Need State Medical Facilities Plan staffing
Provides general fund appropriation in the first year and nongeneral fund in the second year to support two positions pending legislation for increasing fees for COPN applicants. The legislation would allow additional fee revenue to cover the cost of these positions to review, update, and provide technical support to ensure the accuracy of the State Medical Facilities Plan.
Department of Health Professions223Technical
Increase appropriation for previously approved MEL increases
Increases the nongeneral fund appropriation to support five positions that were added by the general assembly in 2018 to address an increase in workload across the health regulatory boards.
Department of Health Professions223Non-Technical
Addressing lease space needs
Provides nongeneral fund appropriation the second year to acquire additional space within the building the agency already occupies. The new space on the ground floor will house the accounting unit and the Criminal Background Check unit. The Board of Nursing has seen an increase in required criminal background checks on RN, LPN and Massage Therapist applicants.
Department of Housing and Community Development165Non-Technical
Expand the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative
Increases funding for the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative, bringing the base appropriation in the second year to $50.0 million. The grant program supplements construction costs to extend broadband service to areas that presently are unserved by any broadband provider. This is the first of a multi-year investment.
Department of Housing and Community Development165Non-Technical
Increase funding for the Virginia Housing Trust Fund
Provides additional support for the Virginia Housing Trust Fund. The increased funding brings the base appropriation to $20.0 million in the first year and to $10.0 million in the second year.
Department of Housing and Community Development165Non-Technical
Provide funding to reduce eviction rates
Establishes funding and one position to develop and implement an eviction diversion program.
Department of Human Resource Management129Non-Technical
Restore funding for the Time Attendance and Leave (TAL) system
Supports the continued operation of the TAL system pending its replacement. This is the result of a delay in the implementation timeline of the Department of Account's new integrated payroll system that will replace TAL.
Department of Human Resource Management129Non-Technical
Support director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Reorganizes equal employment opportunity activities into a separate office within the agency. This amendment supplements funding to repurpose a vacant equal employment opportunity position.
Department of Human Resource Management129Technical
Eliminate appropriation for discontinued COVA Local program
Removes appropriation and positions provided for administration of the COVA Local health insurance program. The COVA Local health insurance program, authorized in Chapter 512 of the Acts of Assembly of 2016, was never implemented due to insufficient enrollment numbers. A companion amendment in Administration of Health Insurance eliminates appropriation provided for the program's claims and third party administrator expenses.
Department of Human Resource Management129Non-Technical
Support cost of Recruitment Management System contract extension
Funds a one-year contract extension to maintain availability of the Commonwealth's Recruitment Management System.
Department of Human Resource Management129Non-Technical
Move maintenance charge from Shared Services Center to general fund
Refunds the Shared Services Center internal service fund for a prior-year maintenance charge that should have been supported by the general fund.
Department of Human Resource Management129Non-Technical
Provide additional appropriation for administration of Line of Duty Act (LODA) health benefits
Supports administrative costs of the LODA Health Benefits Program. The nongeneral fund appropriation increase is based on updated projected allocations of staff time and an additional wage position to assist with financial transactions. The number of financial transactions has increased due to an increasing number of individuals in the program.
Department of Juvenile Justice777Capital
Renovate Buildings to Create Additional Vocational Classroom Space at Bon Air JCC
Funds the renovation of existing space for classrooms at the Bon Air juvenile correctional center.
Department of Labor and Industry181Non-Technical
Provide funding to support compliance positions in the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health program
Provides additional support to fill twelve vacant compliance safety officer positions in the agency's Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) program. These positions will conduct safety and health inspections and issue citations where violations of VOSH regulations are found, in accordance with the state plan for enforcement of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Provide coverage of preventive services and vaccines for currently eligible adult populations
Provides funding for coverage of preventive services and vaccines for currently eligible adult populations in fee-for-service, Medallion 4.0, and CCC Plus to ensure equity with the expansion population.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Add language to specify medical residencies awards
Adds language to specify which hospitals have been awarded the graduate medical residency slots with funding included in the Appropriation Act.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Simplify process for residents of nursing facilities choosing hospice care
Provides funding to simplify the payment process for nursing home residents choosing hospice. Nursing Facilities will submit claims for room and board directly to managed care organizations (MCO) which will in turn pay the nursing facility at 100 percent of the prevailing rate regardless of the resident's election of hospice care.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Fund Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) utilization and inflation
Adjusts funding for the FAMIS program to reflect the latest forecast of expenditures. The costs are primarily a result of higher than expected managed care rates and, to a lesser extent, increased enrollment.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Address elimination of Medicaid support for Piedmont and Catawba hospitals
Provides general fund in FY 2019 to cover anticipated federal deferrals (immediate reductions) associated with payments to Piedmont Geriatric and Catawba hospitals. Funding is likely to be needed in the current fiscal year to replace federal funds that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has indicated will be deferred dating back to the quarter ending 6/30/2018. Other amendments will provide for the repayment of federal disallowances associated with challenged payments that occurred before 6/30/2018. In addition, FY 2020 state matching funds are transferred to the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to offset a portion of on-going operating costs that are funded in a companion amendment.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation to reflect transitioned contract costs
Captures the savings associated with the agency no longer directly contracting for the facilitation of attendant payments in managed care. This function will now be handled by managed care organizations (MCO), the cost of which is assumed in the capitated payments made to MCOs.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Fund increased cost of the Cover Virginia Call Center
Provides funds to address the increased cost of processing Medicaid and CHIP applications through the Cover Virginia central processing unit. Additional funding will cover higher contract costs associated with an increased number of applications being processed at the Cover Virginia central processing unit and the expanded scope of the contract to provide administrative services.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Fund Medicaid utilization and inflation
Provides funding for the cost of Medicaid utilization and inflation as estimated in the most recent expenditure forecast.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Fund cost of implementing Medicaid 1115 demonstration waiver
Provides funding to cover the estimated cost of administering the Medicaid expansion related 1115 demonstration waiver.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Fund medical assistance services for low-income children utilization and inflation
Adjusts funding for the Commonwealth's Medicaid Children's Health Insurance Program to reflect the latest expenditure forecast. Children between the ages of 6 and 19, with family income from 100 to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, are eligible for this program. The costs are primarily a result of higher than expected managed care rates and, to a lesser extent, increased enrollment.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Adjust Health Care Fund appropriation
Modifies the appropriation for the Virginia Health Care Fund to reflect the latest revenue estimates. Tobacco taxes are projected to decrease by $19.2 million in 2019 and $20.4 million in 2020 based on the Department of Taxation's revised forecast. Conversely, Medicaid recoveries are expected to increase by $0.7 million in 2019 and $8.6 million in 2020. The estimates also account for $46.7 million in prior year balances carried over from 2018. Since the fund is used as state match for Medicaid, any change in revenue to the fund impacts general fund support for Medicaid.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Increase funding for managed care enrollment broker services
Funds costs related to new managed care regulations (42 CFR 438.71) that require robust choice counseling, including face-to-face options, be available to all Medicaid recipients enrolled in managed care plans. The additional requirements will increase the cost of the current enrollment broker contract.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Account for change in federal match rate for CHIP administration
Replaces revenue that will be lost due to a reduction in the federal match rate for administering the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). On October 1, 2019, the federal match rate for CHIP is scheduled to be reduced by 11.5 percentage points. This reduction will increase the general fund share that is necessary to administer the program from 12 percent to 23.5 percent. The additional general fund appropriation will allow the agency to maintain current operations.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Clarify payment rules for new and renovated nursing homes
Adds language requiring the agency to implement prospective fair rental value rates for new and renovated nursing facilities.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Provide training for consumer-directed attendants
Funds training for consumer-directed attendants who provide personal assistance, respite, and companion services.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Enhance federal compliance capabilities
Provides funding to hire an expert contractor(s) in 2019 to aid the agency with federal reporting, cost allocation, and Advanced Planning Documents (APDs). The contractor(s) will focus on improving compliance with federal processes. In addition, resources are provided for the agency to hire four additional positions in 2020. The cost allocation, federal reporting, APD and internal audit units all receive one position.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Increase oversight of Medicaid spending and update forecast projections
Adds language requiring the department to convene a quarterly meeting with executive and legislative branch leadership to explain differences between forecasted and actual Medicaid expenditures. In addition, this amendment modifies projected Medicaid spending by accounting for savings associated with achieving long term care case mix targets in managed care.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Make adjustments to administrative appropriation and language to reflect Medicaid expansion implementation
Adjusts appropriations to properly account for the administrative costs associated with Medicaid expansion. While the official Medicaid forecast package makes changes necessary to fund medical costs; this amendment similarly adjusts the administrative appropriations to reflect the latest estimate of the full cost of coverage for Medicaid expansion. In addition, language related to the provider coverage (Section 3-5.15) and provider payment rate (Section 3-5.16) assessments in Part 3 is modified to clarify current policy.
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Non-Technical
Adjust electronic visit verification (EVV) system implementation date to reflect federal changes
Changes the date for requiring consumer-directed aides providing personal care, respite care and companion services in the Medicaid Commonwealth Coordinated Care (CCC) Plus Waiver and Developmental Disability waiver programs and the Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program to utilize an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system. The new implementation date will be October 1, 2019, three months ahead of the current federal mandate.
Department of Military Affairs123Non-Technical
Increase funding for tuition assistance
Provides additional funding for tuition assistance for members of the Virginia National Guard to help recruitment and retention of guard members.
Department of Military Affairs123Non-Technical
Provide funding to support cyber-security assessments
Provides funding to conduct cyber-security analyses for local governments and state agencies.
Department of Military Affairs123Capital
Improve Readiness Centers
Provides funding to be used as match for federal funding that becomes available for repair, improvement, or expansion of readiness centers.
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy409Non-Technical
Support development of solar energy projects on state facilities
Supports one position in the agency’s division of energy to oversee renewable energy procurement and reduce energy consumption in state buildings.
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy409Non-Technical
Provide clean energy financing
Supports the clean energy industry by providing $10.0 million to support the development of a public/private partnership program to provide financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy loans for both private and local government properties and entities within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy409Non-Technical
Develop offshore wind industry
Establishes the office of offshore wind within the agency’s division of energy. Funding supports one and a half positions.
Department of Motor Vehicles154Technical
Adjust support for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission
Provides additional funds for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission operations. The increase is required for Virginia to meet its obligations under the agreement with Washington, D.C., and Maryland for regulation of vans, taxis, and certain sedan and limousine businesses.
Department of Motor Vehicles154Technical
Transfer appropriation to reflect current costs
Transfers appropriation to support the costs of motor carrier operations.
Department of Motor Vehicles154Technical
Transfer appropriation to correct service area
Moves appropriation to the correct service areas to match expenditure activities.
Department of Motor Vehicles154Capital
Authorize Capital Lease for the Sterling Customer Service Center
Department of Motor Vehicles154Capital
Acquire Emporia Customer Service Center
Provides the agency with the authority to take possession of the Emporia facility, in accordance with the original terms of the lease.
Department of Social Services765Technical
Appropriate nongeneral fund match to general fund central appropriation distribution
Provides appropriation to cover the nongeneral fund cost of increasing centrally funded items. Agencies were provided the general fund share of centrally budgeted items, such as health insurance premiums, employee retirement, and other centrally funded costs. This technical adjustment ensures that sufficient nongeneral fund appropriation is available to fund that portion of these expenses.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Fund mobile device management software services
Provides funds to purchase mobile device management software licenses through the Virginia Information Technology Agency. Mobile device management software will provide security and inventory control to the Virginia Department of Social Services for devices communicating with its child welfare information system and to local departments of social services for devices used by clients to determine their eligibility for services. This request will fund the procurement of 2,500 licenses.
Department of Social Services765Technical
Transfer nongeneral appropriation within the Background Investigation Services program
Aligns the appropriation with the service area where the actual expenditures are incurred. This is a zero-sum transfer.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Update child support fees
Adjusts the appropriation for the Division of Child Support Enforcement in order to reflect the federal increase to child support fees.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Extend Temporary Assistance for Needy Families eligibility for young adults in secondary school
Extends Temporary Assistance for Needy Families eligibility to children up to age 19 who are still enrolled full time in secondary school or an equivalent level of career or technical education.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Transfer nongeneral appropriation to the Virginia Department of Health for Healthy Families
Transfers funding to the Department of Health for Healthy Families, eliminating the need for an administrative transfer during the fiscal year. There is a corresponding package at the Department of Health.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Appropriate nongeneral funds for the child protective services hotline
Funds ten state child abuse and neglect hotline positions.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Remove appropriation for Volunteer Emergency Families for Children
Removes appropriation for a nonprofit organization that has ceased operations.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Fund cost of living adjustments for foster care and adoptions payments
Raises maximum maintenance payments made to foster family homes on behalf of foster children by three percent. Appropriation Act language requires an automatic adjustment for inflation be applied to the maximum room and board rates paid to foster parents in the fiscal year following a state employee pay raise. Because state employees received a three percent raise in July 2017, this addendum provides a similar percent increase to foster care rates. This increase is also assumed for adoption subsidy funding to ensure that adoption subsidies keep pace with foster family rates and to avoid any disincentives to adoption.
Department of Social Services765Technical
Adjust administrative appropriation to reflect Medicaid expansion projections
Adjusts appropriations to properly account for the administrative costs associated with Medicaid expansion. While the official Medicaid forecast package makes changes necessary to fund medical costs; this amendment similarly adjusts the administrative appropriations to reflect the latest estimate of the full cost of coverage for Medicaid expansion.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Fund the child welfare forecast
Adjusts funding to cover the cost of providing foster care and adoption subsidy payments. Based on recent expenditure trends and the impact of child welfare policy changes, this amendment adjusts the appropriation for the necessary costs of providing payments to foster care and adoptive families.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Fund positions to implement the Family First Prevention Services Act
Funds six positions to plan, implement and monitor the Family First Prevention Services Act.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Fund the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families forecast
Updates appropriation to properly account for the anticipated cost of providing mandated Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits. Benefits include cash assistance payments, employment services and child care.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Fund a position for the Virginia Fosters program
Funds a position for the Virginia Fosters program to facilitate ongoing foster parent recruitment.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Fund cost of implementing Medicaid 1115 demonstration waiver
Provides funding to cover the estimated cost of administering the Medicaid expansion related 1115 demonstration waiver.
Department of Social Services765Non-Technical
Fund catastrophic disaster sheltering
Provides funding to purchase and store supplies required to stand up state-run emergency shelters.
Department of State Police156Non-Technical
Fund expenses to support "extreme risk law" legislation
Funds one-time technology upgrades needed to comply with proposed legislation that would prohibit an individual who has been identified as an immediate safety threat from possessing a firearm.
Department of State Police156Non-Technical
Increase general fund support for med-flight partnership program
Provides additional funding to support the department's med-flight partnership with Chesterfield County.
Department of State Police156Non-Technical
Fund positions to support universal background checks for gun purchases legislation
Provides funding and seven positions for additional administrative support to process firearms-purchase criminal background checks. This budget item is tied to proposed legislation that would require background checks for all firearm sales.
Department of State Police156Non-Technical
Fund operating costs for the Commonwealth Link to Interoperable Communications (COMLINC) and Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS) replacement projects
Provides funding for training, contract costs, and four positions for the Commonwealth Link to Interoperable Communications (COMLINC) project, and training and project management costs for the Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS) replacement project. Of this amount, $500,000 may only be used if the project management costs are not eligible to be funded with bond funding from the STARS capital project. COMLINC is a system that connects disparate radios, including those used by STARS users and localities, and makes them interoperable.
Department of State Police156Non-Technical
Fund additional civilian garage technician positions
Provides funding and four technician positions for the department's communications garage. These positions install specialized equipment, including Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS) radios, lights and sirens, and speed enforcement devices in both the department's fleet and vehicles from other state agencies.
Department of State Police156Capital
Refresh Commonwealth Link to Interoperable Communications (COMLINC) System
Provides equipment funding for the Commonwealth Link to Interoperable Communications (COMLINC) system. COMLINC connects the various radio systems used by public safety agencies across Virginia.
Department of State Police156Capital
Upgrade Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS) Network
Funds necessary replacements and improvements to the infrastructure and equipment that make up the Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS). Also included is funding for contract personnel and warehouse costs to implement the project.
Department of State Police156Capital
Construct Area 39 Office in Rockbridge County
Provides funding for construction of a new area office in Rockbridge County.
Department of Taxation161Non-Technical
Fund the software patch analyst position
Adjusts appropriation for the addition of a software patch analyst. Additional personnel is needed to remain in compliance with software security standards.
Department of Taxation161Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation to increase tobacco auditor staffing
Adjusts general fund appropriation to increase auditor staffing levels of the Tobacco Unit located in the Northern and Southwestern regions. These two regions in the Commonwealth of Virginia currently do not have designated full-time tobacco auditors.
Department of Transportation501Technical
Adjust appropriation to reflect financial plan
Adjusts program appropriation amounts to conform to the final program amounts in the FY 2019-2024 six-year financial plan, as approved by the Commonwealth Transportation Board in June 2018.
Department of Transportation501Non-Technical
Transfer property to City of Lexington
Allows the City of Lexington to purchase at fair market value Virginia Department of Transportation property when it is no longer required for the agency's purposes.
Department of Transportation501Non-Technical
Supplement the Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank
Provides working capital for the Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank.
Department of Transportation501Technical
Adjust appropriation to reflect prior year recovery revenue
Increases appropriation to reflect a revision to federal receipts processing procedures.
Department of Transportation501Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation based on new revenue estimates and program adjustments
Adjusts appropriation for agency programs in line with the available revenues projected in the November 2018 revenue forecast. The appropriation supports expenditure activity of the concession payment provided to the Commonwealth as a result of the Interstate 66 Outside the Beltway project.
Department of Veterans Services912Non-Technical
Fund behavioral health support positions and operating costs
Provides funding for eight resource specialist positions and fleet costs for three vehicles. Resource specialists meet one-on-one with service members, veterans, and their families to identify behavioral health needs, connect them with resources, and monitor their progress.
Department of Veterans Services912Non-Technical
Provide funding for new deputy director position
Provides funding for a new deputy director position. This position will assist with overseeing and administering the agency and preparing for future expansion and growth of responsibilities within the department.
Department of Veterans Services912Non-Technical
Fund positions and training costs for the veterans benefits section
Funds four veterans services representative positions, one claims specialist position, and training needs for the veterans benefits program. Positions in this section help veterans complete federal benefits paperwork, ensure the accuracy of submissions, and track applications through the approval process.
Department of Veterans Services912Technical
Transfer appropriation between service areas
Transfers funds between service areas to correctly categorize the funding for the women's veterans coordinator position.
Department of Veterans Services912Non-Technical
Provide funding for positions and materials for workforce transition program
Provides funding for positions and materials to aid veterans' transition into the workforce and to assist their families with securing education benefits.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Establish the Grow Your Own Teacher pilot program
Establishes a pilot program to provide scholarships to high school graduates who attend a baccalaureate institution of higher education in the Commonwealth and subsequently teach in high-need public schools in their school division of residence.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update data for regional career and technical education center grants
Adjusts funding for grants to regional career and technical education centers to reflect nine regional centers in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years. The calculation for Chapter 2, 2018 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I, included an additional regional center that converted to a local center as of the 2017-2018 school year.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Amend At-Risk Add-On language to align with the revised Standards of Accreditation
Modifies budget language regarding the withholding of At-Risk Add-On funds to align with the Board of Education's revised Standards of Accreditation.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update sales tax revenues for public education
Updates sales tax dedicated to public education based on the Department of Taxation's November 2018 education sales tax forecast.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Support the Norfolk Botanical Garden's The Garden of Tomorrow project
Provides one-time support for the Norfolk Botanical Garden's The Garden of Tomorrow project to enhance environmental education in the Commonwealth.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Increase support for the Great Aspirations Scholarship Program (GRASP)
Increases support for the Great Aspirations Scholarship Program (GRASP) to provide students and families in need access to financial aid, scholarships, and counseling to maximize educational opportunities for students.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Adjust Certification Date for FY 2020 Compensation Supplement
Changes the certification date for the FY 2020 compensation supplement from April 1, 2019, to June 1, 2019. This change allows school divisions to submit this certification in conjunction with their May 2019 Required Local Effort/Required Local Match data collection and certification, thereby consolidating multiple submissions for school division staff and superintendents and eliminating the need for the Department of Education to collect additional data in April 2019.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update costs of Lottery programs
Adjusts funding for certain educational programs that exceed the foundation of the Standards of Quality based on actual and updated projections for participation. The reduction in costs for Lottery programs saves a like amount of general fund.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Modify language to include Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment support for provisionally licensed minority teachers
Adds the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment to the allowable tests for which grants may be awarded to school divisions, teacher preparation programs, or nonprofit organizations in the Northern Virginia, Central Virginia, and Hampton Roads regions to subsidize test fees and the cost of tutoring for provisionally licensed minority teachers seeking full licensure in Virginia.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Adjust sales tax revenues for public education to reflect estimated revenue from internet sales
Adjusts sales tax revenues for public education to reflect additional estimated revenues from internet sales.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Transfer certain Virginia Preschool Initiative program appropriations from Direct Aid to Department of Education Central Office
Transfers the appropriations for Virginia Preschool Initiative teacher professional development and Virginia Preschool Initiative classroom observations from Direct Aid to the Department of Education, Central Office Operations. The Department of Education is required to contract with the University of Virginia to provide these services, and funding for Department of Education contracts is appropriated under the central office.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Provide state support for the Virginia Preschool Initiative Plus program
Provides state support for the Virginia Preschool Initiative Plus (VPI+) program currently supported by federal Preschool Development Grant funds, which expire after FY 2019.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Redirect FY 2019 savings from Virginia Preschool Initiative provisional teacher licensure appropriation
Adds budget language to allow any FY 2019 balances from the Virginia Preschool Initiative - Provisional Teacher Licensure appropriation to be awarded for Virginia Preschool Initiative start-up or expansion grants, and for any remaining balances to be carried forward to FY 2020 to support Virginia Preschool Initiative waiting list slots.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Increase general fund support for school employee retirement contributions
Adjusts the use of Literary funds used to support public school employee retirement contributions based on the latest Literary Fund revenue projections provided by the Department of Treasury.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Increase Lottery proceeds for public education and allocate funding for the At-Risk Add-On and Supplemental Lottery Per Pupil Allocation programs
Adjusts funding to reflect an increase in the estimate of Lottery proceeds by $39.9 million in FY 2019 and $30.4 million in FY 2020 above the appropriations in Chapter 2, 2018 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I. In both fiscal years, the additional Lottery proceeds are used to increase the At-Risk Add-On program appropriation and to increase the Supplemental Lottery Per Pupil Allocation program appropriation, with approximately $35.0 million in additional appropriation for each program over the biennium.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update program participation for Remedial Summer School and English as a Second Language
Updates costs of the Remedial Summer School and English as a Second Language Standards of Quality programs to reflect actual enrollment for FY 2019 and revised projections for FY 2020.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Transfer nongeneral fund Virtual Virginia appropriation from Direct Aid to Department of Education Central Office
Transfers the nongeneral fund appropriation for Virtual Virginia tuition revenues from Direct to Public Education to the Department of Education, Central Office Operations, which is where the receipt and expenditure of those revenues occurs.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Amend accreditation status for the Targeted Extended/Enriched School Year and Year-round School Grants
Modifies budget language for the Targeted Extended/Enriched School Year and Year-round School Grants program to align budget language with the Board of Education's revised Standards of Accreditation.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Modify staffing ratios for school counselors
Provides funding to support additional school counselors in Virginia's public elementary, middle, and high schools. This funding represents the state cost to modify the counselor ratios in elementary school from 1:500 to 1:375, in middle school from 1:400 to 1:325, and in high school from 1:350 to 1:300, with the intent to provide additional funding in subsequent fiscal years to eventually achieve a ratio of 1:250 for all public elementary, middle, and high schools. This is a recommendation of both the Board of Education and the Children's Cabinet Student Safety Workgoup.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update sales tax distribution for school age population
Updates the sales tax distribution to local school divisions based on the latest yearly estimate of school age population provided by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Support the Virginia Arts Festival World Class Education Program
Provides funding for the Virginia Arts Festival World Class Education Program to support arts education programming and partnerships with local school divisions.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Establish the PreK-2 Active Learning pilot program
Establishes a pilot program to encourage active learning for students in pre-kindergarten through second grade.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Modify language for the Achievable Dream partnership with Newport News
Removes language stipulating that funding for the Achievable Dream partnership with Newport News school division is in lieu of a like amount from the Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credits.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Enhance local capacity and quality of Virginia Preschool Initiative programs
Reallocates savings realized under the Virginia Preschool Initiative - Provisional Teacher Licensure program to increase local capacity for and quality of classroom observations, the use of readiness data, and professional development in Virginia Preschool Initiative programs. Of the $2 million in savings, $1.7 million supports grants to localities to purchase and effectively implement evidence-based curriculum and to conduct Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) observations by local observers, and $300,320 is transferred to the Department of Education, Central Office Operations, to support positions and training focused on individualized professional development and to support local implementation of curriculum and observations. This initiative supports implementation of the Department of Education's November 2018 Plan to Ensure High-Quality Instruction in All Virginia Preschool Initiative Classrooms.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Increase division cap for school security equipment grants
Increases the division cap for school security equipment grants from $100,000 to $250,000. This is a recommendation of the Children's Cabinet Student Safety Workgoup.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update cost of Special Education Regional Tuition
Updates the state cost for approved public Special Education Regional Tuition school programs based on updated enrollment data.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Increase salaries for funded Standards of Quality instructional and support positions
Provides the state share of an additional two percent salary increase for funded Standards of Quality instructional and support positions, effective July 1, 2019. This increase is in addition to the three percent increase provided in Chapter 2, 2018 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update cost of National Board Certification Program
Updates the cost of bonus payments under the National Board Certification Program based on the actual number of classroom teachers in Virginia's public schools who hold certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update costs of categorical programs
Adjusts funding for certain educational programs that exceed the foundation of the Standards of Quality. State or federal statutes or regulations mandate most categorical programs. These adjustments update the cost of continuing the current programs with the required data revisions.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Update costs of incentive programs
Adjusts funding for certain educational programs that exceed the foundation of the Standards of Quality. These programs are designed to address educational needs of specific targeted student populations. Funding for these programs is primarily formula-driven and subject to changes in fall membership, participation rates, and test scores.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Establish the Robots for Autism pilot program
Establishes a pilot program to encourage the use of robots to aid in the education of students on the autism spectrum.
Direct Aid to Public Education197Non-Technical
Capture savings from revised student enrollment projections
Updates costs for public education using enrollment projections based on the latest fall membership counts, which are lower than projected for 2019.
Economic Development Incentive Payments312Non-Technical
Capture savings related to updated incentive grant payment schedules
Removes funding included in the budget for the Major Eligible Employer Grant. Additionally, funding is reduced in both years of the biennium for the Virginia Investment Partnership Grant. This action is necessary based on the most recent schedule of anticipated payments under these grant programs.
Fort Monroe Authority360Non-Technical
Provide additional operating funding
Provides operating funding to cover maintenance and security costs for the Wherry parcel at Fort Monroe due to a delay in the transfer of the property to the National Park Service.
Fort Monroe Authority360Non-Technical
Provide funding for the design of First Landing Monument
Provides funding for planning of a permanent monument to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of the First Landing of Africans to Point Comfort in Fort Monroe.
Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia239Non-Technical
Provide funding for defibrillators and casualty response kits
Provides one-time funding to purchase defibrillators and mass casualty response kits for placement at strategic locations around the museum and to provide employee first aid and emergency training.
George Mason University247Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
George Mason University247Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional tuition and fee revenue
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation to support Educational and General (E&G) programs. The additional revenue is generated from student enrollment growth and tuition and fee rates approved by the university's board of visitors.
George Mason University247Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional tuition to support financial aid
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation for undergraduate financial aid. The additional revenue is generated from tuition charges from both in-state and out-of-state students.
Grants to Localities790Non-Technical
Provide community transition support for bed census management at state facilities
Provides funds for the transition to community settings of approximately 100 individuals currently in state behavioral health facilities who have been determined ready for discharge, but who are not able to be moved due to extraordinary barriers.
Grants to Localities790Non-Technical
Appropriate available Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Trust Fund dollars
Appropriates the remaining available funds from the sale of state facilities to support employment assistance training efforts, start-up costs for a new children’s Crisis Therapeutic Home (CTH), and the construction of a new REACH Crisis Home.
Grants to Localities790Non-Technical
Support crisis response systems expansion
Expands crisis services for children and adults, including mobile crisis for children with co-occurring disorders.
Grants to Localities790Technical
Account for new federal grant funds
Increases the agency's federal appropriation to account for federal grants for which notification was received after the enactment of the current Appropriation Act.
Grants to Localities790Non-Technical
Address continued growth in the Part C Early Intervention program
Provides additional general fund appropriation to address continued growth in the number of children served in the state's Part C Early Intervention programs.
Grants to Localities790Non-Technical
Expand permanent supportive housing for adults with serious mental illness
Creates an additional 150 permanent supportive housing units for individuals with serious mental illness.
Gunston Hall417Capital
Repair Exterior Brick and Stone at Gunston Hall
Provides funding to be used in the restoration and preservation of the outside of Gunston Hall to protect the Historic National Landmark for many years to come.
Indigent Defense Commission848Non-Technical
Fund paralegal positions to lessen workload impact from body worn camera review
Provides funding and paralegal positions to address the increased workloads of public defender attorneys as a result of body worn camera requirements.
Intellectual Disabilities Training Centers793Technical
Transfer funds for Central State Hospital pharmacy costs
Transfers funds currently appropriated at Hiram Davis Medical Center that are used for prescriptions for individuals at Central State Hospital. This transfer will properly align funding with expenditures and increase transparency.
James Madison University216Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Longwood University214Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Longwood University214Non-Technical
Increase educational and general program appropriation
Adjusts appropriation to account for increased tuition revenues.
Marine Resources Commission402Non-Technical
Increase funds for oyster restoration and replenishment
Increases support for oyster restoration and replenishment.
Mental Health Treatment Centers792Non-Technical
Increase direct care nursing staff and psychiatrists at facilities due to census growth
Increases the number of clinical positions at state mental health facilities to address staff shortages and reduce the use of overtime systemwide.
Mental Health Treatment Centers792Technical
Transfer funds for Central State Hospital pharmacy costs
Transfers funds currently appropriated at Hiram Davis Medical Center that are used for prescriptions for individuals at Central State Hospital. This transfer will properly align funding with expenditures and increase transparency.
Mental Health Treatment Centers792Non-Technical
Provide support for children's transition services for CCCA
Provides funding for six beds in alternatovr settings for children who do not need institutionalization but cannot be served in existing programs because they are high-risk children with significant issues.
Mental Health Treatment Centers792Non-Technical
Fund continued operation of Piedmont Geriatric and Catawba Hospitals
Provides general fund appropriation in the second year for the continued of operations of Piedmont Geriatric and Catawba Hospitals. These funds are necessary as the facilities are no longer able to receive Medicaid reimbursement as a result of decertification. This cost is offset by a reduction of $14.5 million at the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) previously appropriated to serve as the general fund match for Medicaid-eligible services at these two facilities.
Motor Vehicle Dealer Board506Technical
Increase appropriation to reflect billing increase
Increases appropriation to reflect billing increases for the agency portion of employee health insurance and telecommunications and technology usage.
Norfolk State University213Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Norfolk State University213Non-Technical
Virginia College Affordability Network (VCAN) Initiative language
Provides authorization for Norfolk State University, the University of Virginia's College at Wise, and Virginia State University to develop a framework and funding recommendations associated with enhancing access to undergraduate education for students with high financial needs.
Old Dominion University221Non-Technical
Increase auxiliary appropriation
Adjusts appropriation to account for the projected increase in revenues from mandatory fees.
Old Dominion University221Non-Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to support benefit cost adjustments
Adjusts appropriation to support changes in employee benefit rates.
Old Dominion University221Non-Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to support compensation increases
Adjusts appropriation to support the nongeneral fund portion of salary increases.
Old Dominion University221Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Old Dominion University221Capital
Construct Student Health and Wellness Addition
Provides nongeneral fund and 9(d) revenue bond appropriation for the university to construct a student health and wellness addition to the north side of its student recreation center on the main campus. The new facility will increase efficiency, reduce waiting times, and allow the Health Care Center to widen its service offerings, particularly in Health Promotion.
Old Dominion University221Capital
Construct Campus Dining Improvements, Phase II
Provides nongeneral fund appropriation for the university to renovate existing food service venues and add new venues within existing university facilities to provide food service to the campus community.
Radford University217Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Radford University217Non-Technical
Positions for Roanoke Operations
Provides position authority for the Jefferson College of Health Sciences merger.
Radford University217Non-Technical
Operating Appropriation for Radford University's Roanoke Operations
Provides nongeneral appropriation to account for new tuition revenues associated with the Jefferson College of Health Sciences merger.
Radford University217Non-Technical
General Fund Support for Roanoke Operations
Provides operating support for the Jefferson College of Health Sciences merger, in order to maintain student affordability at the current level.
Radford University217Capital
Acquire Property for Campus Expansion
Authorizes 9(c) debt to acquire property that is currently leased to the university for student housing.
Richard Bland College241Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Roanoke Higher Education Authority935Capital
Create Oliver Hill Courtyard
Constructs a plaza between the main building and the Claude Moore Education Complex, connecting the two buildings to create a campus environment and providing an area to tell the story of Oliver White Hill and his leadership in expanding educational opportunities for all people.
Secretary of Administration180Non-Technical
Conduct statewide data inventory
Provides one-time general fund support in the first year to identify data elements, document user access patterns, develop a data dictionary and catalog, and implement a cloud-based data catalog platform.
Secretary of Finance190Non-Technical
Study gaming governance structure
Provides one-time general fund appropriation for the Secretary of Finance to contract for a study of the Commonwealth's gaming governance structure. The study shall include a review of the gaming governance structure of other states and the impact of gaming expansion on state lotteries. The final report is due no later than November 1, 2019.
Secretary of the Commonwealth166Non-Technical
Provide funding for Census activities
Funding will support education, outreach and preparation for community participation in the 2020 Census. Funds will cover the development and distribution of resource materials to local governments and nonprofit organizations, public education efforts, and other initiatives of the Virginia Complete Count Commission.
Southeastern Universities Research Association Doing Business for Jefferson Science Associates, LLC936Non-Technical
Continue support for the Center for Nuclear Femtography
Provides funding to continue support for the establishment of a research center for nuclear femtography in partnership with the Commonwealth's public and private research universities. Nuclear femtography is expected to be the next generation of nanotechnology. It requires the development of new techniques that will need the integration of experimental, theoretical, computational, and mathematical expertise. Creation of this center strengthens the lab's capabilities in competing for federal research projects.
State Corporation Commission171Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation to support Central Accounts actions
Supports centrally-funded actions in the second year. The Central Accounts actions, which include salary and fringe benefits, health insurance, other-post employment benefits, and information technology costs, are authorized in Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Virginia Acts of Assembly.
State Corporation Commission171Non-Technical
Provide oversight of qualified education loan servicers
Supports staff to provide oversight of qualified education loan servicers. This amendment supports legislation requiring anyone acting as a qualified education loan servicer to obtain a license and register with the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry.
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia245Non-Technical
Increase funding for the New Economy Workforce Credential Grant Program
Provides funding to support an additional 1,800 individuals annually earn a workforce credential.
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia245Non-Technical
Increase funding for Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG)
Provides funding to increase the maximum annual undergraduate TAG award to $3,400 for FY 2020 in order to support Virginia's degree completion goals.
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia245Non-Technical
Amend requirements for the Cybersecurity Student Loan Repayment Grant Program
Clarifies the eligibility requirements for the program, and extends employer eligibility to Virginia local government agencies.
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia245Non-Technical
Add tuition transparency and predictability language
Requires institutions of higher education to submit tuition plans, including planned increases, for a period of three years as part of the six year plan.
Supreme Court111Non-Technical
Relocate judicial branch data center operations
Provides funding in the second year to cover the ongoing service cost and facility fees of housing the judicial system data center in a secure facility.
Supreme Court111Non-Technical
Authorize the creation and funding of a judicial wellness initiative
Provides authorizing language for the creation and funding of an attorney wellness fund to support judicial wellness initiatives for lawyers, judges, and law students in such areas as substance abuse and behavioral health disorders.
The College of William and Mary in Virginia204Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
The College of William and Mary in Virginia204Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to support auxiliary enterprise activities
Adjusts appropriation for auxiliary enterprise programs to more accurately reflect additional revenue generated from fees and other user charges approved by the board of visitors.
The College of William and Mary in Virginia204Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to accurately reflect sponsored programs expenditure activity
Increases nongeneral fund appropriation in sponsored programs to more accurately reflect expenditure levels authorized by the institution's board of visitors.
The College of William and Mary in Virginia204Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect increased tuition and fee revenues
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect increased tuition and fee revenue to support costs associated with educational and general programs and other priorities included in the university's six-year plan.
The College of William and Mary in Virginia204Technical
Transfer existing appropriation to fund debt service payments for auxiliary services capital projects
Transfer nongeneral fund appropriation to cover service payments for auxiliary services capital projects to more accurately reflect anticipated debt service payments
Treasury Board155Non-Technical
Recognize debt service savings
Captures the net savings due to a reduction in the issuance of General Obligation, Virginia Public Building Authority, and Virginia College Building Authority bonds compared to previous expectations.
University of Mary Washington215Technical
Provide additional appropriation for auxiliary programs
Continues administratively approved adjustments and reflects increases in residential services and the university's mandatory auxiliary comprehensive fee.
University of Mary Washington215Technical
Realign debt service allocations in auxiliary programs
Realigns debt service among various auxiliary subprograms to more closely reflect actual expenditures.
University of Mary Washington215Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
University of Virginia207Non-Technical
Virginia Humanities Grants for Dialogues about Virginia’s Diverse Histories and Capacity Building in Southwest Virginia
Provides additional funding to the Foundation for the Humanities to increase the number of statewide grants to community-based educational programs to explore diverse histories and support healing and reconciliation around divisive aspects of the Virginia story. In addition, the Foundation will provide capacity-building grant writing workshops and award targeted grants to organizations in Southwest Virginia.
University of Virginia207Non-Technical
Provide additional funding to support Focused Ultrasound research
Provides additional funding to support focused ultrasound research at the University of Virginia. This incision-free surgery, combines high-frequency ultrasound with magnetic resonance imaging, to safely and accurately treat such diagnoses as uterine fibroids, essential tremors, and certain cancers such as bone metastases.
University of Virginia207Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
University of Virginia207Non-Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional tuition and fee revenue
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation to support Educational and General (E&G) programs. The additional funding was generated from increased student enrollment and tuition and fee rates approved by the university's board of visitors.
University of Virginia Medical Center209Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional patient revenue
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation for the medical center to account for additional in-patient and outpatient revenue that will be used to support strategic growth initiatives for outpatient orthopedic services, expanding capacity for emergency rooms and operating rooms that are reflected in these projections.
University of Virginia's College at Wise246Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
University of Virginia's College at Wise246Non-Technical
Enhance Enrollment Growth and Student Success
Provides operational relief while the college implements enhanced enrollment and retention strategies. Funds will be used to bolster activities such as utilities, core operations, new programs for a Masters in Teaching and RN-BSN, and enhanced recruitment efforts. Pursuant to Item 200, paragraph H. in the current budget, $2.0 million provided in FY 2020 was transferred to FY 2019 to provide immediate relief and support the college and its efforts to rebuild its student base. This funding replaces the funds transferred to FY 2019 to support ongoing campaigns to attract and retain students.
University of Virginia's College at Wise246Non-Technical
Virginia College Affordability Network (VCAN) Initiative language
Provides authorization for the University of Virginia's College at Wise, Virginia State University, and Norfolk State University to develop a framework and funding recommendations associated with enhancing access to undergraduate education for students with high financial needs.
University of Virginia's College at Wise246Non-Technical
Implement New Program Planning
Provides funding to support the beginning implementation of new programs to address growth and diversification at the college. The college has begun enhancements including the pursuit of an accounting and business accreditation, an online bachelors program in nursing for associates-level RN’s, and a cybersecurity initiative. In addition, Wise has initiated the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) approval process for a master of education, which will aid in addressing the educational needs of the region.
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority999Non-Technical
Adjust position level for civilian licensing technicians
Adjusts position level to account for new civilian licensing technician positions.
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority999Non-Technical
Increase personnel for new store openings
Provides additional nongeneral fund appropriation and nine positions to meet the workload needs associated with opening new retail stores.
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities606Non-Technical
Provide support for increased operating costs
Provides general fund support to cover currently budgeted operating costs and avoid reductions to core services and functions.
Virginia College Savings Plan174Non-Technical
Adjust nongeneral fund appropriation for information technology modifications
Enhances the agency's cyber security and supports software upgrades. The additional nongeneral fund appropriation will allow the agency to purchase cyber security/data breach insurance and hire a Systems Engineer to oversee the implementation of its cyber security initiatives. This amendment also includes funding for finance software upgrades, Banner Forms conversion, and mobile application development.
Virginia College Savings Plan174Non-Technical
Fund investment and financial staff
Provides nongeneral fund appropriation for the Investment Director and Lead Financial Reporting Accountant positions. The Investment Director is required pursuant to Item 485 E. of Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Virginia Acts of Assembly. This amendment also supports a Lead Financial Reporting Accountant position to oversee the agency's daily financial operations.
Virginia College Savings Plan174Non-Technical
Support headquarters operating costs and improvements
Adjusts nongeneral fund appropriation for rent and facility modifications. Due to a new lease agreement, the agency's rent will increase beginning in the first year. The agency will also incur one-time construction costs in the first year for its headquarters to become compliant with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.
Virginia Commission for the Arts148Non-Technical
Increase funding for Executive Director's salary
Provides additional funding to cover the salary for the agency director.
Virginia Commission for the Arts148Non-Technical
Increase grant funding
Provides additional support for grants awarded to local arts organizations.
Virginia Commonwealth University236Technical
Transfer nongeneral funds between fund details to address appropriation needs
Moves nongeneral funds among fund details to provide sufficient appropriation to cover debt service on the new Allied Health Professions Building.
Virginia Commonwealth University236Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional grant and contract activity
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect the award of new sponsored grant funding from the Gates Foundation to create the Medicines for All Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Virginia Commonwealth University236Non-Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional tuition revenue to support financial aid
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation for financial aid to support undergraduate and graduate students. The additional revenue is generated from tuition approved by the university's board of visitors.
Virginia Commonwealth University236Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional tuition and fee revenue
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation to support Educational and General (E&G) programs. The additional revenue is generated from tuition and fee rates approved by the university's board of visitors.
Virginia Commonwealth University236Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional auxiliary enterprise revenue
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation to account for increased spending in support of financial aid awards and salary/fringe benefit changes with revenue from dining and retail services, and to fund emergency repairs at the Siegel Center.
Virginia Commonwealth University236Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional revenue to support State Health Services
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation to account for additional university services provided to the VCU Health System in the areas of communications, marketing, donor relations and facility planning.
Virginia Commonwealth University236Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Virginia Commonwealth University236Capital
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority Property Transfer
Provides authority for Virginia Commonwealth University to purchase, at a fair market price, the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Authority's central office and warehouse property once ABC moves into a new facility.
Virginia Community College System260Non-Technical
Create online apprenticeship curriculum
Provides funding for a position to develop online instruction related to the highest enrolled registered apprenticeship programs.
Virginia Community College System260Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Virginia Community College System260Technical
Increase NGF appropriation in various program/funds to support planned expenditures
Increases and reallocates nongeneral funds (NGF) to match current spending.
Virginia Community College System260Non-Technical
Increase funding for advising
Provides funding for new navigator positions across the community college system in order to help students choose a career pathway, connect to a transfer institution or assist in finding employment in high demand areas.
Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station229Non-Technical
Implement Fund Split for Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station
Provides funding to implement the state's policy to cover 95 percent of state costs to the Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station.
Virginia Economic Development Partnership310Non-Technical
Enhance the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program
Provides additional support for the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program. The program promotes the characterization and development of sites to enhance infrastructure and promote the Commonwealth's competitive business environment.
Virginia Employment Commission182Non-Technical
Provide general fund support for development and implementation of a strategic workforce dashboard
Establishes general fund support and positions to develop and implement a strategic workforce dashboard and tools that will provide information on issues such as state and regional labor market conditions, the relationship between the supply and demand for workers, workforce program outcomes, and projected employment growth or decline.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Fund costs for the managed security services of both data centers
Funds additional ongoing hardware and software requirements for the new enterprise security vendor to provide enterprise security oversight for the new data center. These costs are ongoing until the Commonwealth fully migrates out of the Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation to repay portion of line of credit
Adjusts nongeneral fund appropriation to repay the costs of furniture, fixtures, and equipment purchased at the Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center from Northrop Grumman.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Technical
Eliminate appropriation for Workplace Productivity Solutions service
Eliminates appropriation for Workplace Productivity Solutions service. This optional service is expected to end by June 30, 2019.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Purchase additional Microsoft licenses
Adjusts nongeneral fund appropriation to purchase additional Microsoft licenses. The additional appropriation is needed for the continued use of Microsoft Office products.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation to purchase Java licenses
Adjusts nongeneral fund appropriation to purchase Java licenses. The purchase of additional licenses is needed to remain in compliance with Oracle licensing guidelines and the Commonwealth of Virginia security standards.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to continue security audits
Increases appropriation for security audits of agency sensitive systems. The general fund share for the agency to conduct the security audits is appropriated in Chapter 2, Special Session I, 2018 Acts of Assembly.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation for internal service fund updates
Adjusts the internal service fund appropriation for vendor pass-through payments to reflect the latest forecast of state agencies' utilization.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Authorize line of credit use for agency migrations from the Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center
Authorizes agencies to use the Virginia Information Technologies Agency's line of credit to fund agency costs for the migration from the Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Provide nongeneral fund appropriation to upgrade the existing network infrastructure
Upgrades the existing network infrastructure used by state agencies. This upgrade will increase the potential capacity available for future bandwidth increases and provide increased scalability and reliability.
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Non-Technical
Extend network connection to new vendor data center
Extends network connection to new vendor data center. The extension of this network will allow the new vendor to migrate services from the Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center to the new data center. This funding will also allow the Commonwealth to triple its existing bandwidth speeds.
Virginia Institute of Marine Science268Non-Technical
Monitor bay grasses and support their co-existence with oyster aquaculture
Provides funding for an annual survey of submerged bay grasses and the development of best management practices for oyster aquaculture that supports co-existence with bay grasses. The survey will also assist in evaluating attainment of water quality standards, permitting efforts of other state agencies, and evaluating progress towards meeting the Chesapeake Bay Program goals.
Virginia Lottery172Non-Technical
Purchase lottery retail equipment
Provides additional nongeneral fund appropriation in the first year only. The one-time equipment purchase will allow the agency to expand lottery offerings statewide.
Virginia Lottery172Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation to support Central Accounts actions
Supports centrally-funded actions in the second year. The Central Accounts actions, which include salary and fringe benefits, health insurance, other-post employment benefits, and information technology costs, are authorized in Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Virginia Acts of Assembly.
Virginia Military Institute211Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts238Non-Technical
Appropriation Act Language for Food Service and Gift Shop
Provides an exemption to the Virginia Public Procurement Act to allow the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts to outsource specifics items for resale in the gift shop and restaurant operations. The language complies with recommendations from the Department of General Services.
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts238Non-Technical
Provide funding to staff the Evans Learning 360° program
Provides funding to support Evans 360, a multidimensional learning experience and evaluation project that provides interactive ways for people across the Commonwealth to engage with the museum. The project will increase accessibility to the museum's art collection for student and teachers, and offer distance learning instruction with interaction in real time for classrooms.
Virginia Museum of Natural History942Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to match awarded grants
Increases the agency's nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect several grants.
Virginia Museum of Natural History942Non-Technical
Fund telephone system
Provides funding for the replacement of telephone and voice mail systems.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University208Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University208Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional tuition for financial aid
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation from tuition revenue to support undergraduate financial aid. The increased funding was approved by the university's board of visitors.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University208Technical
Increase nongeneral fund appropriation to reflect additional tuition and fee revenue
Adjusts the nongeneral fund appropriation to support Educational and General (E&G) programs. The additional revenue is generated from student enrollment growth and tuition and fee rates approved by the university's board of visitors.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University208Capital
Construct new academic facility, Innovation Campus, Northern Virginia
Provides funding to support construction of a new 300,000 square foot academic facility for Virginia Tech's new Innovation Campus in Northern Virginia.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University208Capital
Renovate Dietrick Hall, First Floor and Plaza
Provides additional 9(d) debt appropriation to complete improvements on the Renovate Dietrick First Floor and Plaza project originally authorized in Chapter 2 (2018 Special Session I). The increased funding will support a full building generator to ensure the 9,000 students living on campus can be fed during an extended power outage, or in the event of a natural disaster.
Virginia Port Authority407Capital
Cargo Handling Facilities
Upgrades existing container handling equipment to standards comparable to new equipment, extending its useful life.
Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired263Technical
Increase appropriation to account for anticipated revenue
Provides appropriation for anticipated revenue from the Virginia Industries for the Blind (VIB) fund (05910) and the Virginia Board for the Blind and Vision Impaired (07151).
Virginia Retirement System158Non-Technical
Support market-driven investment data and services
Funds the investment data feeds and services utilized by the agency's investment division. This amendment provides funding for continued access to the information that drives investment decisions.
Virginia Retirement System158Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation for Central Accounts actions
Supports centrally-funded actions in the second year. The Central Accounts actions, which include salary and fringe benefits, health insurance, other-post employment benefits, and information technology costs, are authorized in Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Virginia Acts of Assembly.
Virginia Retirement System158Non-Technical
Support investment staff performance-based bonuses
Provides bonuses for investment staff based on prior year's performance. This amendment is in accordance with § 51.1-124.22 (A)(11), Code of Virginia, which requires the agency to compensate its investment staff based on the prior fiscal year's investment results.
Virginia Retirement System158Non-Technical
Fund release of online retirement solutions
Provides nongeneral fund appropriation in the second year to complete the final phase of the Modernization project. This amendment will allow state and local members to view and manage their retirement benefits online by eliminating the current process of submitting multiple paper forms to make changes to their retirement benefits.
Virginia Retirement System158Non-Technical
Implement changes to the retiree health insurance program
Supports program changes and updates to publications and training materials of the retiree health insurance program. The program changes and updates are needed pursuant to a companion amendment in Central Appropriations to adjust the retiree health insurance credit benefit for State Police Officers' Retirement System (SPORS) and Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System (VaLORS) members, sheriffs, and deputies.
Virginia Retirement System158Non-Technical
Provide post-modernization production resources
Provides resources upon completion of the Modernization project's final phases. These resources will support the post-production costs to automate retirement disbursements and provide online retirement solutions.
Virginia Retirement System158Non-Technical
Fund office space expenses
Provides nongeneral fund appropriation for build-out costs and rent increase of space occupied by the agency's operational and investment divisions. The one-time nongeneral fund appropriation increase in the first year will pay for construction services associated with the expansion into additional leased space. The nongeneral fund appropriation increase in the second year will support the rent increase of the leased space.
Virginia Retirement System158Non-Technical
Automate retirement disbursements
Provides nongeneral fund appropriation to complete the automation phase of the Modernization project. The automation of retirement disbursements is expected to reduce the manual review of processing retirement benefits for state and local retirees and their beneficiaries.
Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind218Capital
Expand Emergency Generator System
Provides funds to assess existing generator capacity and to support the purchase and installation of necessary equipment to provide service to four buildings on the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind (VSDB) campus that currently are not connected to a back-up energy source and are not wired to accept a back-up generator. The buildings in question house residential and dining space for students, food storage for frozen and refrigerated foods, and administrative offices. This project will ensure continuation of VSDB programming and services in the case of power outages.
Virginia State Bar117Non-Technical
Increase funding for civil defense housing attorneys
Provides funding for legal aid programs to assist low income tenants in housing eviction cases.
Virginia State University212Non-Technical
Provide funding to support the graduate engineering program
Provides funding to support university's participation in the Commonwealth Graduate Engineering Program (CGEP) to meet the critical needs of employers within the Commonwealth of Virginia in the field of Computer Science. Currently, CGEP provides access to graduate engineering education students and employers across the Commonwealth by five universities: George Mason University, Old Dominion University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Tech, and the University of Virginia. Virginia State will further enhance the primary focus of CGEP by offering an online graduate degree program in computer science that is not currently available through the program.
Virginia State University212Non-Technical
Virginia College Affordability Network (VCAN) Initiative language
Provides authorization for Virginia State University, Norfolk State University, and the University of Virginia's College at Wise to develop a framework and funding recommendations associated with enhancing access to undergraduate education for students with high financial needs.
Virginia State University212Non-Technical
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
Increases funding for need-based financial aid for in-state undergraduate students.
Virginia Tourism Authority320Non-Technical
Increase funding for the Spearhead Trails initiative
Provides additional support for Spearhead Trails, an initiative of the Southwest Regional Recreation Authority.
Virginia Tourism Authority320Non-Technical
Increase funding for the Heart of Appalachia Tourism Authority
Provides additional funding to support the Virginia Coalfield Regional Tourism Authority, which does business as the Heart of Appalachia Tourism Authority. The funds will support tourism marketing initiatives in the coalfield region.
Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission191Non-Technical
Adjust appropriation for Central Accounts actions
Supports centrally-funded actions in the second year. The Central Accounts actions, which include salary and fringe benefits, health insurance, other-post employment benefits, and information technology costs, are authorized in Chapter 2, 2018 Special Session I, Virginia Acts of Assembly.
Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission191Technical
Adjust nongeneral fund appropriation for federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant
Adjusts nongeneral fund appropriation in the second year to support the federal Department of Justice grant award. The agency's federal VOCA grant award is based on expenses incurred by victims of crime and vendors that provide services for victims of crime. This amendment transfers $512,000 nongeneral fund appropriation within the agency's operating budget to support the federal grant award.
Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission191Technical
Adjust appropriation for information technology auditors and security officers
Transfers nongeneral fund appropriation provided for information technology auditors and security officers to the appropriate service area and fund. This zero sum transfer was approved administratively in the first year.
Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center203Non-Technical
Adjust appropriations to reflect vocational rehabilitation reductions
Adjusts appropriation and maximum employment level to account for federal reductions to supplemental vocational rehabilitation grant revenue that had been historically budgeted by the agency. This amendment only modifies appropriations to reflect current operations as the agency has already made the necessary reductions administratively. Budget language is also modified to require reports on vocational rehabilitation grant spending and limit reallotment spending on activities that do not create on-going state obligations.