Performance Measure
Measure Name
Ridership on state-sponsored passenger rail service.
Measure Last Modified
Aug 08 2022 04:21
Measure Last Published
Jan 16 2024 12:59
Measure Status
Data Source and Calculation

Ridership is reported to the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) by Amtrak.

Associated Service Areas
SA CodeSA Name
61003Passenger and Freight Rail Financial Assistance Programs
Measure ID50561003.001.003
Measure ClassAgency Key
Measure TypeOutcome
Year TypeState FY
Preferred TrendIncrease
Statistical Unit
Baseline and Targets
Target NameDateResultNote
Short Target 2023
Long Target 2024
Measure Results
YearResultExplanatory Note
2011211,217.00The Richmond Amtrak Virginia service did not begin until July 20, 2010. The reporting period for both services include July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011. Amtrak ridership and revenue figures for the purpose of the contract are established on the federal fiscal year.
2012262,770.00Amtrak ridership is trending upward with increases each month of FY12 compared to FY11. Also, FY12 included a full year of service for the Richmond Amtrak Service; whereas, FY11 included a partial month for July 2010 as that is when the service began.
2013307,696.00The Amtrak Virginia service into the Northeast Corridor was extended from Richmond to Norfolk beginning on December 12, 2012.
2014725,715.00This new baseline reflects the October 2013 addition of state supported Route 47 and Route 51, which caused the baseline to jump from FY13 (307,696) to FY14 (725,715). This assumes 2 percent growth annually. Growth may be higher as more frequencies are planned for Roanoke, Lynchburg and Norfolk, but at this time growth is predicated on anticipated growth in ridership for existing state supported trains.
2015894,065.00Beginning in October 2013, under federally mandated PRIIA legislation, Virginia assumed two additional Amtrak routes which accounts for higher ridership numbers in FY 2015 over FY 2014.
2016844,572.00Ridership is sensitive to variables such as on-time performance and fuel prices. With cheap fuel prices, more potential passengers choose to drive instead of take the train. This is a national trend and will likely reverse when fuel prices rise.
2018839,466.00Ridership decreased across the Richmond (9.5), Norfolk (1.8), and Newport News (2.7) routes. However, the Lynchburg service extended to Roanoke on October 31, 2017 leading to an increase of 8.7 percent along that route. Overall, statewide ridership decreased 1.3 percent.
2019924,657.00During Federal Fiscal Year 2019, DRPT extended one of its Richmond routes to Norfolk. As of March 2019, there were two routes originating and terminating in Norfolk daily. As part of that extension, DRPT made changes to the two Newport News routes.
2020661,304.00Due to COVID-19, DRPT is reporting ridership for the time frame of July 1, 2019, through February 29, 2020. Additionally, this is the first year where DRPT is not reporting data using the federal fiscal year time period.
2021333,684.00DRPT is reporting the statistics for the state fiscal year 2021 (July 2020-June 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative effect on ridership during this time period. Amtrak limited seating to allow for social distance, and the Richmond-Washington service did not operate at all during this time period.
- Run Date: 04/23/2024 02:18:23