Dept. Planning and Budget
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Department of Accounts (151)
Strategic PlanningBiennium

Provide a uniform system of accounting, financial reporting, and internal control adequate to protect and account for the Commonwealth’s financial resources while supporting and enhancing the recognition of Virginia as the best managed state in the nation.

Document Archive
Budget Information
BienniumChapter TitleYear 1Year 2Year 1Year 2
2022-2024Chapter 1, 2023 Acts of Assembly, Special Session 1$68,254,836$71,841,286169.00169.00
2022-2024Chapter 2, 2022 Acts of Assembly, Special Session 1$68,254,836$71,841,286169.00169.00
2020-2022Chapter 1, 2022 Acts of Assembly, Special Session 1$43,356,360$52,923,517169.00169.00
See Current Year Operating Plan  showing budgets broken out by Program
There are no actively funded capital projects associated with this agency
Performance Measures
Active performance measures for this agency
Detailed Measures Report - Table Format
Measure NameMeasure Class
Complete CRF and SLFRF subrecipient monitoring and SLFRF reporting in accordance with applicable federal regulations. Other Agency
Develop the annual Federal Indirect Cost Allocation Plan and the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards in accordance with applicable federal regulations.Other Agency
Percent of all general ledger anomalies and reconciliation discrepancies resolved within one month.Other Agency
Percent of eligible purchases made with the small purchase charge card by state agencies.Other Agency
Percent of employees who terminated employment with DOA during the fiscal year.Other Agency
Percent of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reporting requirements and payment deadlines met.Other Agency
Percent of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) wage and tax statements (W-2's) processed by the employee deadline of January 31.Other Agency
Percent of payrolls reviewed and processed by the final certification/confirmation date.Agency Key
Percent of staff employed by DOA greater than 5 years.Other Agency
Percent of time legislated deadlines for updating statewide financial systems are met.Other Agency
Percent of time that financial management systems are available to customer state agencies.Agency Key
Percent of time the original legislative appropriations are recorded and reconciled within seven days of receipt from the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB).Other Agency
Percentage of corrective action workplans (CAWS) that are submitted in accordance with Department of Accounts (DOA) policy.Other Agency
Percentage of monthly revenue reports produced within two business days of the Commonwealth Financial System (Cardinal Financials) monthly close.Other Agency
Percentage of statewide vendor payments paid by the due date.Other Agency
Percentage of time the state's enterprise application system Cardinal, administered by the Department of Accounts, is available to customer entities.Other Agency
Rate of receipt of a 'satisfactory ranking' on the overall customer service survey for each agency served by the Department of Account's (DOA) Payroll Service Bureau (PSB) indicates timely and accurate payroll processing.Other Agency
Receive the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers of America for the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. Agency Key
The number of recurring Auditor of Public Accounts (APA) internal control findings.Other Agency
The number of W-2's processed per payroll staff member.Productivity
20 Measures
VP5.10 - Run Date: 07/27/2024 02:26:00