Dept. Planning and Budget
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Virginia Agencies List
This page lists all Virginia Government Agencies that participate in strategic planning in Virginia's Performance Budgeting System. You may select a Secretarial Area and choose submit to see all the agencies that fall under that area.

Secretarial Area
Click on an agency to go to the agency page showing strategic planning, performance measures and budgetary information for that agency.
Agency NameAgency CodeSecretarial Area
Board of Accountancy226Finance
Children's Services Act200Health and Human Resources
Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council957Public Safety and Homeland Security
Compensation Board157Administration
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services262Health and Human Resources
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired702Health and Human Resources
Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing751Health and Human Resources
Department of Accounts151Finance
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services301Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Aviation841Transportation
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Health and Human Resources
Department of Conservation and Recreation199Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Corrections799Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services140Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Education, Central Office Operations201Education
Department of Elections132Administration
Department of Emergency Management127Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Energy409Commerce and Trade
Department of Environmental Quality440Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Fire Programs960Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Forensic Science778Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Forestry411Agriculture and Forestry
Department of General Services194Administration
Department of Health601Health and Human Resources
Department of Health Professions223Health and Human Resources
Department of Historic Resources423Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Housing and Community Development165Commerce and Trade
Department of Human Resource Management129Administration
Department of Juvenile Justice777Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Labor and Industry181Labor
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Health and Human Resources
Department of Military Affairs123Veterans and Defense Affairs
Department of Motor Vehicles154Transportation
Department of Motor Vehicles Transfer Payments530Transportation
Department of Planning and Budget122Finance
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation222Labor
Department of Rail and Public Transportation505Transportation
Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity350Commerce and Trade
Department of Social Services765Health and Human Resources
Department of State Police156Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Taxation161Finance
Department of the Treasury152Finance
Department of Transportation501Transportation
Department of Veterans Services912Veterans and Defense Affairs
Department of Wildlife Resources403Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Workforce Development and Advancement327Labor
Eastern Virginia Medical School274Education
Fort Monroe Authority360Commerce and Trade
Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia239Education
Grants to Localities790Health and Human Resources
Gunston Hall417Education
Indigent Defense Commission848Judicial
Institute for Advanced Learning and Research885Education
Intellectual Disabilities Training Centers793Health and Human Resources
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation425Education
Marine Resources Commission402Natural and Historic Resources
Mental Health Treatment Centers792Health and Human Resources
Motor Vehicle Dealer Board506Transportation
New College Institute938Education
Opioid Abatement Authority856Independent Agencies
Roanoke Higher Education Authority935Education
Southeastern Universities Research Association Doing Business for Jefferson Science Associates, LLC936Education
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center937Education
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center948Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia245Education
The Library Of Virginia202Education
The Science Museum of Virginia146Education
Veterans Services Foundation913Veterans and Defense Affairs
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority999Independent Agencies
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities606Health and Human Resources
Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation794Health and Human Resources
Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority509Transportation
Virginia Commission for the Arts148Education
Virginia Economic Development Partnership310Commerce and Trade
Virginia Employment Commission182Labor
Virginia Information Technologies Agency136Administration
Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority309Commerce and Trade
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts238Education
Virginia Museum of Natural History942Education
Virginia Parole Board766Public Safety and Homeland Security
Virginia Passenger Rail Authority522Transportation
Virginia Port Authority407Transportation
Virginia Racing Commission405Agriculture and Forestry
Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired263Health and Human Resources
Virginia Retirement System158Independent Agencies
Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind218Education
Virginia Tourism Authority320Commerce and Trade
Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center203Health and Human Resources

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