Dept. Planning and Budget
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Virginia Agencies List
This page lists all Virginia Government Agencies that participate in strategic planning in Virginia's Performance Budgeting System. You may select a Secretarial Area and choose submit to see all the agencies that fall under that area.

Secretarial Area
Agencies in the Health and Human Resources Secretariat provide often-vital services to Virginians with disabilities, the aging community, low-income working families, children, caregivers, and the provider network. In addition, agencies license health practitioners and ensure safe drinking water in the Commonwealth.
Highlights of Key Objectives
Promote safe and stable living situations for children and families.
Promote self-sufficiency of families and individuals through opportunities for education, employment, and health care.
Maximize the number of individuals served in community and family-based settings.
Assist low-income Virginians and individuals with disabilities to become employed and maintain independence.
Ensure prompt processing of health professional licensure and complaint investigations.
Increase immunization rates for children and adults 65 years of age and older.
Reduce the prevalence of obesity, smoking, teenage pregnancy, and infant mortality.
Increase access to safe and affordable drinking water.
Improve birth outcomes for Medicaid recipients.
Increase children's access to health services.
Increase child support collections.
Facilitate access to services by the elderly through increased use of information technology.
Agencies in Health and Human Resources
Click on an agency to go to the agency page showing strategic planning, performance measures and budgetary information for that agency.
Agency NameAgency CodeSecretarial Area
Children's Services Act200Health and Human Resources
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services262Health and Human Resources
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired702Health and Human Resources
Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing751Health and Human Resources
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services720Health and Human Resources
Department of Health601Health and Human Resources
Department of Health Professions223Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services602Health and Human Resources
Department of Social Services765Health and Human Resources
Grants to Localities790Health and Human Resources
Intellectual Disabilities Training Centers793Health and Human Resources
Mental Health Treatment Centers792Health and Human Resources
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities606Health and Human Resources
Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation794Health and Human Resources
Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired263Health and Human Resources
Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center203Health and Human Resources

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