Dept. Planning and Budget
 DPB Header Text
Strategic Planning Measure Details
Agency CodeAgency NameMeasure NameMeasure ClassMeasure FrequencyPreferred TrendMeasure TypeYear Type
751Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-HearingMaintain relay services call volume Agency KeyQuarterlyStableOutputState FY
751Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-HearingIncrease number of clients served (5% annual increase) Agency KeyQuarterlyIncreaseOutputState FY
751Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-HearingIncrease number of telecommunication equipment distributed (5% annual increase) Agency KeyQuarterlyIncreaseOutputState FY
751Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-HearingIncrease number of coordinated government requests for provision of interpreters & captioning services (8% annual increase) Agency KeyQuarterlyIncreaseOutputState FY
751Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-HearingIncrease the number of proctored assessments of interpreting and sign language skills (10% annual increase) Agency KeyQuarterlyIncreaseOutputState FY
751Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-HearingIncrease number of education and training activities (20% annual increase) Agency KeyQuarterlyIncreaseOutputState FY
751Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-HearingMaintain responses to requests for quality information & referrals (maintain) Agency KeyQuarterlyIncreaseOutputState FY
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