Dept. Planning and Budget
 DPB Header Text
2024-26 Strategic Plan
Department of Planning and Budget [122]
Mission, Vision, and Values

The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) advises the Governor on how to wisely use public resources for the benefit of all Virginians by analyzing, developing, and carrying out various fiscal, legislative, programmatic, and regulatory policies.


We advise the Governor in the prudent allocation of public resources and promote the development and implementation of fiscal, legislative, programmatic, and regulatory policies that maximize empowerment of Virginia's citizens and minimize their dependence on government. We serve our customers through creative, proactive, objective, accurate, and timely planning, analysis, and evaluation.


DPB is committed to the following:

  • Earning the respect, trust, and confidence of its customers, which include the Governor, the Governor’s Cabinet, elected and appointed officials, state agencies, and the public.
  • Allocating public resources prudently and ethically.
  • Promoting objective fiscal, legislative, programmatic, and regulatory policies that benefit and protect the Commonwealth and minimize the dependence on government.


Agency Background Statement

The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) was created by statute in 1976 merging previously existing budget and planning agencies. Sections 2.2-1500 through 2.2-1514 of the Code of Virginia established the agency and set forth the powers and duties of DPB and its Director, the requirements for submitting the executive budget to the General Assembly, and the requirements for submitting the Budget Bill, as follows:

  • Development and direction of an integrated policy analysis and planning and budgeting process within state government Formulation of an executive budget
  • Formulation of an executive budget
  • Policy analysis and program evaluation for the Governor's Office
  • Review of the activities of state government focusing on budget requirements in the context of the goals and objectives determined by the Governor's Office and the General Assembly
  • Operation of a system of budgetary execution to ensure agency activities are conducted within funding limitations provided in the Appropriation Act and in accordance with gubernatorial and legislative intent
  • Assessment of the impact of federal funds on state government
  • Review and verification of the accuracy of agency estimates of receipts from nongeneral fund revenue
  • Maintenance of a performance management system that combines strategic planning, performance measurement, evaluation, and performance budgeting within state government  
  • Maintenance of an Internet-based system to ensure citizens have access to performance information and the development of regulatory policies
  • Oversight of agency capital outlay projects
  • Management of the Regulatory Town Hall Website
  • Coordination of the statewide regulatory process via the Regulatory Town Hall Website
Agency Status (General Information About Ongoing Status of the Agency)

The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) leads the Commonwealth’s enhanced integrated strategic planning and budgeting process and advises the Governor's Office on the allocation of scarce resources.  As part of its statutory responsibility, DPB advises the Governor's Office on the allocation of resources to large entitlement programs that are mandated or required (such as Medicaid and K-12 education) down to support of small local sheriff offices that protect our smallest communities. Decisions about the proper funding levels for each of these requires comprehensive information and in-depth analysis. DPB also must be poised to react quickly in its advisory capacity to changes in revenue that affect financial responsibility and structural balance in the state’s budget. In order to maximize its ability to successfully respond to economic changes, DPB must focus on transferring its institutional knowledge through the recruitment and development of a well-trained staff.

DPB has been addressing pressing workforce issues: a highly competitive market of well-educated and skilled staff; and an aging workforce in key positions that either are, or soon will be, eligible for retirement. Over the last several years, DPB has increased its staffing levels after analyzing its organizational structure to determine where existing resources can best be directed toward sound succession planning. DPB is addressing the training needs of new and seasoned staff through exposure to national organizations and internal training from other state agencies as well as staff mentoring.

Information Technology

The Commonwealth’s Performance Budgeting System combines under one system: budget development; budget execution; capital; strategic planning; and performance measurement. DPB is responsible for overseeing the operation and maintenance of the system. The ongoing cost of this effort is funded through rates charged to state agencies.

DPB's Web-based Electronic Fiscal Impact Statement System simplifies the tracking and development of Fiscal Impact Statements (FIS). FIS are issued on bills introduced during the General Assembly sessions. FIS describe the fiscal impact of proposed legislation and are intended to aid legislators and the Governor's Office in the decision-making process. Each FIS is electronically communicated to the legislative information system where it is posted electronically with the legislation, and electronic copies are sent to the patron and relevant committees. DPB also supports document management systems used by agencies to submit legislative proposals and to provide confidential advice to the Governor's office.

The Virginia Regulatory Town Hall Website application gives greater access to all citizens in the regulatory process electronically. Regulations affect many aspects of the Commonwealth including speed limits, physician qualifications, pollution control requirements, and testing standards in Virginia’s public schools. The Regulatory Town Hall Website allows Virginians to learn about regulations, submit online comments, and sign up to receive email notifications.

The legislative processes DPB administers and manages are based around three confidential web-based systems.

The Electronic Pre-session Agency Legislation (ePAL) system is used by agencies to submit legislative proposals to their Cabinet Secretary and the Governor’s office for consideration. The ePAL system serves as a document management system.  Legislative proposals are reviewed in advance of the General Assembly session. This time period is often referred to as “pre-session.”

The Electronic Legislative Action Summaries (eLAS) system coordinates and tracks documents associated with the review of all introduced legislation. Executive branch agencies, the Cabinet, and the Governor’s office use eLAS to provide confidential advice to the Governor on legislation. These documents help the Governor's Office formulate a position on the bill. As is the case with ePAL, the system services as a document management system.

DPB issues a fiscal impact statement (FIS) for most all legislation introduced during a General Assembly session that could impact state services. DPB uses the eFIS system to interface with the Department of Legislative Automated Services to issue FIS in a timely manner.

Workforce Development

The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) relies mostly on salaried classified state employees for the delivery of services to its customers. DPB also employs wage employees to supplement classified staff during peak work periods and unexpected staff turnover. DPB has made recruitment and succession planning a priority and has increased staffing over the last several years to ensure adequate staffing to serve customers and to transfer institutional knowledge to new staff.

Authorized Maximum Employment Level (MEL)          59
Salaried Employees53
Wage Employees          0
Contracted Employees          0
Physical Plant

DPB is a Virginia executive branch agency that works with the Governor's Office, the General Assembly, and other state agencies to develop and execute the Commonwealth's budget. DPB’s proximity to the Governor’s Office and the General Assembly is critical in fulfilling its mandate.

DPB is located in the Patrick Henry Building adjacent to the capitol. At this time, the current space is adequate to meet DPB’s needs. DPB leases its space from the Department of General Services.

Key Risk Factors

Maintaining funding for core services: The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) leads the state’s integrated strategic planning and budget process. As part of its statutory responsibility, DPB advises the Governor's Office on the allocation of scarce resources. DPB will remain challenged in the years ahead to distribute revenue collected by the state between the core services of state government and maintain structural balance. The state is likely to continue to experience revenue growth and DPB will strive to ensure that there is a balance for all necessary state-funded programs and initiatives such as Medicaid, K-12, public safety, continued cleanup of the Chesapeake Bay, and “Right Help, Right Now.” Structural balance is maintained by the utilization of recurring revenue to support ongoing operations. DPB will be challenged to maintain a long-term structurally balanced budget while also ensuring the top priorities of the state are properly addressed as mandatory expenses grow. DPB continues to remain vigilant in maintaining financial responsibility and a structural balance in the state’s budget.

Loss of experienced finance workforce: DPB depends upon obtaining quality information and data from state agencies. As the workforce ages and turnover occurs, many agencies are not able to develop replacement staff. Central agencies like DPB may be called upon more often to help agencies resolve issues that once were managed by agency-based staff.

Financial Overview

Over eighty percent of DPB's general fund budget supports personnel costs: salaries, wages, and fringe benefits. The remaining budget supports day-to-day operations such as: 1) funding for rent; 2) information technology needs; 3) training; 4) office supplies; and 5) other miscellaneous costs.

Funding for ongoing maintenance of the Commonwealth's Performance Budgeting System, which fall under DPB’s oversight, is appropriated to the Department of Accounts.

Biennial Budget
General Fund
Nongeneral Fund
General Fund
Nongeneral Fund
Initial Appropriation for the Biennium9,315,48609,315,4860
Changes to Initial Appropriation0000
Revenue Summary
No data
Agency Statistics
Statistics Summary

The following statistics provide a comprehensive snapshot of the magnitude of the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) operations during the 2024-2026 biennium. The activities listed in the statistical table are extremely complex and require extensive analysis and review.

Statistics Table
Number of Agency Base Budgets (2024)178
Number of Agency Base Budget Adjustments (2024)1,566
Number of Decision Packages (2024)1,365
Number of Capital Budget Requests (2024)277
Number of Budget Execution Requests (2024)3,550
Number of Fiscal Impact Statements (2024 General Assembly Session)3,230
Number of Regulatory Proposals (FY 24)308
Number of Economic Impact Statements (FY 24)294
Customers and Partners
Anticipated Changes to Customer Base

There are no anticipated changes to DPB’s customer base.

Current Customer List
Predefined GroupUser Defined GroupNumber Served AnnuallyPotential Number of Annual CustomersProjected Customer Trend
General AssemblyGeneral Assembly members140140Stable
GovernorGovernor's Cabinet1616Stable
Local or Regional Government AuthoritiesCounties and Cities133133Stable
State Agency(s),State agencies206206Stable
Governor's Office
Office of Regulatory Management
Department of Accounts
Department of Taxation
Department of Treasury
Major Products and Services

The Commonwealth’s Performance Budgeting System combines under one system budget development, budget execution, capital, and strategic planning, and performance measurement. As required by Section 2.2-1501 in the Code of Virginia, DPB ensures information generated in the Performance Budgeting System is useful for managing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of state government operations and is available to the Commonwealth’s citizens and public officials. DPB’s mission-critical products and services are, as follows:

  • Budget bill Budget document
  • Budget development Budget execution
  • Analysis of budget proposals and development of recommendations for the Governor's Office
  • Procedures for monitoring agency expenditures
  • Decision briefs for budget execution decisions Coordination of the executive legislative review process
  • Fiscal impact statements for legislation introduced in the General Assembly
  • Planning and performance measure instructions, handbook, and training for state agencies
  • Economic impact statements and policy analyses on proposed regulations
  • Development, maintenance, and oversight of the Regulatory Town Hall Website
  • Assistance with the coordination and management of the regulatory process across state agencies
  • Forecasts of major budget items including prison, jail, and juvenile correctional center populations; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) caseloads; and Indigent Criminal Defense/Involuntary Mental Commitment expenditures
  • Task forces
  • Advisory assistance to various panels, committees, and commissions Presentations on fiscal and budgetary policy
  • Response to customers and partners
  • Evaluation studies
Performance Highlights

Using ten competitiveness categories, CNBC ranks Virginia first in 2024 as a top state for business, with infrastructure as a leading driver. CNBC also ranks Virginia first in education due to offering a multitude of higher education opportunities and personalized K-12 instruction. The 20th Annual Business Facilities Report ranked Virginia first in 2024 for customized workforce training. Virginia continues to maintain a AAA bond rating, displaying an exceptionally strong capacity for the payment of financial commitments.

Selected Measures
Measure IDMeasureAlternative NameEsitmated Trend
12271502.002.002Administratively approved appropriations as a percentage of legislative appropriations.Maintaining
12271505.001.001Percentage of economic impact analyses that are completed within 45 days from receipt of proposed and fast-track (stage) regulatory proposals.Maintaining
Agency Goals
• Provide the highest quality financial management for the Commonwealth to protect its fiscal integrity.
Summary and Alignment

Accomplishment of this goal helps protect the state’s fiscal reputation, its AAA bond rating, and its status as a well-managed state.

Develop a structurally sound budget in which proposed recurring spending can be maintained by recurring revenue over time.

Achievement of this objective assures fiscal integrity in the Commonwealth’s budget by avoiding the use of short-term or “one-time” monies for ongoing or long-term commitments.

Objective Strategies
• Effectively utilize the six-year spending plan in the development and decision-making of the budget.

• Submit a budget to the General Assembly that minimizes the available general fund resources resulting from one-time revenues and savings actions.
• Provide objective, accurate, and timely information with respect to planning and evaluation of fiscal, legislative and regulatory activities, in order to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of state government.
Summary and Alignment

Accomplishment of this goal helps protect the state’s fiscal reputation, its AAA bond rating, and its status as a best-managed state.

Conduct program evaluations for Administration priorities.

According to Section 2.2-1501 of the Code of Virginia, one of DPB’s duties is to conduct program evaluation for the Administration.

Objective Strategies
• Conduct program evaluations that are responsive to the needs of the Administration and aid good governance.

• Produce quality evaluations that are ethical, objective, relevant, timely, accurate, and comprehensive.

• Make recommendations for improvement and identify best practices in state government programs and operations.

• Perform other research, upon request.
• Provide objective, accurate, and timely information with respect to planning and evaluation of fiscal, legislative, programmatic, and regulatory activities, in order to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of state government.

Section 2.2-­4007.04 of the Code of Virginia requires that DPB prepare an economic impact analysis (EIA) for all non­exempt proposed regulations within 45 days of receipt. Typically, an EIA provides a clear and concise description of the expected economic impact of a regulatory proposal on Virginians. An EIA may also benefit policymakers and the public, including: (1) the Governor's Office, when deciding whether or not to approve proposed regulations; (2) legislators in learning about the benefits and costs of regulations; and (3) the regulated community and other members of the public, who may be directly or indirectly affected by the proposed regulations. An EIA is a public document and may be viewed on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall Website, which is maintained by DPB.

Objective Strategies
• Make recommendations that result in design improvements and that advance the Governor’s public policy goals.

• Provide economic impact analysis reports that clearly indicate the economic costs and benefits of a proposed regulatory change.

• Provide all analysis and review within the statutory deadlines, thereby benefiting public discourse.

• Verify and enhance the design of proposed (stage) regulations, in order to maximize economic benefits and minimize economic costs.
Develop timely and accurate forecasts for major state programs for planning and budgeting purposes.

DPB assists with the production of annual forecasts for the following significant state programs: 1) Medicaid expenditures; 2) public safety admissions and inmate population forecasts for state prisons, local jails, state juvenile correctional facilities, and detention homes; 3) criminal fund and involuntary mental commitment fund; 4) Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth (CSA); 5) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); 6) mandated childcare expenditures; 7) Title IV-E foster care expenditures; and 8) Title IV-E adoption expenditures and special needs (general fund) adoption expenditures. These forecasts are provided to decision makers as a key input for each year’s budget decisions, as well as supporting longer-range policy and planning for the fiscal management of key budget drivers.

Objective Strategies
• Effectively communicate forecast results to appropriate stakeholders.

• Maintain expertise on relevant forecasting techniques and models to maintain quality.

• Manage forecast production to optimize usefulness to decision makers.

• Perform other economic analyses and projections, upon request.
• Continue to strengthen communication and relationships with customers.
Summary and Alignment

Accomplishment of this goal would help protect the state’s fiscal reputation, its AAA bond rating, and its longstanding status as a best-managed state.

Strive to maintain a high level of satisfaction from the Governor’s Policy Office and the Cabinet regarding information and analysis provided to them by the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB).
Achievement of this objective assures that agency customers are receiving information and analysis in a form that is timely and useful for decision making.
Objective Strategies
• Keep Cabinet officials informed on upcoming changes and issues.

• Respond to all requests from the Governor, Governor's Policy Office, the Cabinet, and the General Assembly in a timely, efficient, and transparent manner.
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